Author Topic: Not a priority  (Read 365 times)

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Offline Savage .250

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Not a priority
« on: August 03, 2006, 02:07:58 AM »
  Saw this on TV last night and thought i`d share.
   Palm Bay, Fl: Police stop van for violation and find it full of illegals. No green cards,
   no drivers lic, no nothing!
   Police say they are flustrated with the process because when thay call the IMS,
   so they can come and pick them(illegals) up for processing they are being told,"......... it`s not a priority." by the IMS, so the police have to let them go.
    Looks like the left hand doesn`t know what the right hand is doing or even cares.
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Offline jhm

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Re: Not a priority
« Reply #1 on: August 03, 2006, 03:48:37 AM »
Funding/funding/funding  That is all anyone is concerned about these days, If it had been a rally to raise money for them you would have been run over by the green and white vehicles, just listen to all the speeches of the politicians all that sprews from their mouth is those of us who pay taxes to get a job done arnt paying enough to get that done, its kinda like the water flowing from a broken sewer pipe (FULL OF SHXX) and can get on everything. :)   JIM

Offline rockbilly

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Re: Not a priority
« Reply #2 on: August 03, 2006, 10:07:49 AM »
The people in several cities and a couple of states have voiced their opinion so loud that changes are taking place.  Houston, Texas for example, alway a hideout for illegals is now clamping down and has given the local LEO the authority to arrest and detain an illegal.  I understand Colorado has also implemented simular laws.  Several northern states and large cities have followied suit.  I write, call or voice my opinion at every opportunity.  If everyone who opposes illegal immigration would do so I am sure things would change.

Most of our elected officals (local and national) forget very quickly when we fail to continue to remind them of our position. If we do not keep it in the forefront of their memory, then changes will not happen.  So keep them card and letters flowing, and make a phone call once in a while too.

Offline DWTim

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Re: Not a priority
« Reply #3 on: August 03, 2006, 11:10:19 AM »
Had a feeling it would end up being the people that take action. It sure would be terrible to be hit by that van full of illegals. No driver's license, probably can't read the road signs, and no insurance. How can you take an illegal alien to civil court? He's got no official address, and no identification or legitimate IRS records that the court could use to dock his pay. I guess that leaves you with the option of crossing your fingers and hope he shows up with a fistful of cash every week to cover your medical expenses.

We all know what will really happen. You'll be laid up and out of work while you recover, and your family will be working to pay your debts. If your auto insurance company helps out, you'll end up paying it out sooner or later with the increased premiums.

A-yuht, happens around here all the time. The cops bust an illegal who gets in an accident while driving with no license, registration or insurance. He "opts out" of the appearance date and disappears. Six months later he's behind the wheel of some other jalopy, and smacks into someone else. It's why I don't drive in the larger cities.

I don't think I could have the patience to be a cop.

Offline victorcharlie

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Re: Not a priority
« Reply #4 on: August 03, 2006, 12:12:11 PM »
My wife got hit by an illegal guatamalan a couple of years ago..........cops came and brought an interperater.....the guy had 5 fake ID's, no valid drivers license, and of course, no insurance.......$1600 in damage......I didn't turn it in but paid myself..........the illegal got back in his truck and drove off.......cops said if they lock him up the tax payers would just have to feed him.......

About a month ago in Chattanooga, a young illegal woman ran off the road and through an elderly womans house.  The elderly woman died a week later in a local hospital.  She's been charged with several different crimes from no insurance to vehicular homicide.........local news says she'll probably be deported after appearing in court.

I don't blame the illegals......I'd be here too if I was living with the kind of coruption Mexico and central america have.

Homeland security while 12 million illegals slip through.........yea.....right......

Homeland security is one hundred percent double talk.....
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