I recently got myself a 7.5. inch BFR in 454. It seems well made and did well with my full power reloads as well as my higher pressure 45 Colt loads. I probably got 200 rounds in total on the first two trips to my range. Last night I took out the higher pressure colt loads. (not real high pressure), and had the cylinder bind up. I couldn't pull the hammer back for anything. I could jiggle the cylinder counterclockwise and it would "catch" and continue its normal rotation unhindered. It would then catch again on the next rounds chambering. I unloaded the gun (they have a free spin pawl.), and took it home after fireing my other 454 ( an Ruger SRH), with no problems with the same ammo. I've used this load for many thousands of rounds, and find it accurate and effective. There were no high promers, and the pressure is probably around 20,000.
I repositioned the cylinder pin and had no problems after this. Could I have placed the cylinder pin too deeply? Any other ideas? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks,
Incidentally, the tech at Magnum Research was no help at all.