Author Topic: Can a good Muslim be a good American?  (Read 3182 times)

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Offline 30-30man

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Re: Can a good Muslim be a good American?
« Reply #60 on: August 07, 2006, 03:35:23 PM »
A true follower of Islam believes that all people who do not convert should be beheaded.  It teaches this in the Koran.  That is why they hate us so much.  We are a Christian nation.  People say that they are extremist but they are just following what Mohammad taught.  All of the people who settled around the peninsula of Arabia(Saudi Arabia) are descendants of Ishmael.  Remember he was the son of Abraham and Hagar.  Hagar was the mistress that Sarai told Abraham to sleep with.  When Ishmael was born he was hated by everyone.  He was cut out of the everything(money).  The Lord said that his descendants would speak of war and always fight with others.  Muslims will never have peace with others and will always be causing problems.  It's in their nature....They have been fighting since the beginning of time.

Offline powderman

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Re: Can a good Muslim be a good American?
« Reply #61 on: August 07, 2006, 04:04:11 PM »
A true follower of Islam believes that all people who do not convert should be beheaded.  It teaches this in the Koran.  That is why they hate us so much.  We are a Christian nation.  People say that they are extremist but they are just following what Mohammad taught.  All of the people who settled around the peninsula of Arabia(Saudi Arabia) are descendants of Ishmael.  Remember he was the son of Abraham and Hagar.  Hagar was the mistress that Sarai told Abraham to sleep with.  When Ishmael was born he was hated by everyone.  He was cut out of the everything(money).  The Lord said that his descendants would speak of war and always fight with others. 
Agreed Sir. POWDERMAN.  :( :( :( :( :( :(
Mr. Charles Glenn “Charlie” Nelson, age 73, of Payneville, KY passed away Thursday, October 14, 2021 at his residence. RIP Charlie, we'll will all miss you. GB

Only half the people leave an abortion clinic alive.
What part of ILLEGAL is so hard to understand???
I learned everything about islam I need to know on 9-11-01.

Offline rifleman61

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Re: Can a good Muslim be a good American?
« Reply #62 on: August 07, 2006, 04:39:05 PM »
We weren't inviting "them" into take over our ports.,
DPW [Dubai Ports World] is an Anglo-American run company; all of its senior executive staff are American, Australian, New Zealand [Kiwi] and English.  The nominal owner of the company is the ?emir? of Dubai.  Dubai is a modern and well run small Arab emirate and its city is as clean and probably cleaner tyhan most of our own cities.  Dubai is not a backwards Wahabist 17th century Saudi police state and the Emir Dubai is NOT going to kill his cash cow in the name of 72 virgins or some such.  They are very secular and the port of Dubai is the most modern and well run [port in the world as well as the most secure.  If they could have taken over our ports the only thing that would have changed was the header name on the paychecks issued to already over paid longshoremen.  The ports are still United States soil therefore all of the laws are still in effect; the Coast Guard is still there, Customs is still there and so is the Longshoremens' Union.  You ought to go to a port run by DPW, unlike our own ports they run 24/7 and there is minimum turn around time.  The Emir hired this staff because the culture of AngloSaxon Protestant America is superior in this respect it creates, maintains and fosters entrepreneurial capitolism and encourages meritocracy and risk taking; this was somwething that the Emir could not get out of Arab Muslim culture generally speaking.  Business wise this made very good sense; politically it was a disaster because it's an election year and I don't care if you are a "Republican" congressman your first loyalty is to yourself, unfortunately in this case.  Gotta' look tough on those damned "Mooselims".
As for "voting for the guy twice", now you're disappointed?!
C'mon now"TM" this is America and this is American politics:
Rule#1.  Nobody gets everything that they want, in American politics, especially if you vote for "the winner"
Rule#2.  If "You" are the winner, well by golly you are going to disappoint somebody sooner than later, especially your supporters; it is the nature of American politics that there is "one hell of a lot" of horse trading going on.  Compromise is essential to the system.
Rule#3. Because of Rule #2 all "true believers" [Pat Buchanan being a glaring example] get to go to the back of the class; and if they act up then they are put in the corner [marginalized]  In Buchanan's case he marginalized himself; he couldn't get over the fact that the American people were stupid enough to choose "Daddy" over him in '92 and he still can't get over the fact that in Florida in 2000 oldfolks [geezers] who can play 150 bingo cards simultaneously somehow are too stupid [there we go again] to properly punch a ballot for him in "Dubya's" case; the stupid idiot still thinks he should be President.
Rule#4.  This last election was not between George Washington, "Dubya" and some traitor by the name of John Kerry; if it had been a lot of us would have sent "Dubya" packing.  This election past was abiout a choice between to types of representatives of our WWII baby Boomer generation; both were polar opposites.  The traitor named Kerry was the worst prototypical representative of my generation, image obsessed and all about "Me".  President Bush was the best representative of my generation, and that's not saying much either.  But then no election since then is a choice between  George Washington and somebody else.  It is a choice between two faulted individuals at best; the American people, thank God, knew that difference.
President Bush is a social conservative; he is obviously not a fiscal conservative.  I can name at least one personality who is a fiscal conservative and socially liberal, Jessie Ventura, and he is as phonie and as disingenuos as they come.  The man was stupid enougn to think that just becuse he was a former SEAL [or said he was] and that he shaved his head and sported an M-16/AR15 in some of his campaign promos that the rest of us would be dumb enough to vote for him.  Well we did and when we found he couldn't take the heat politically [that's funny, I thought all SEALS were supposed to be tough guys] we turned him out.
Yes the President has done somethings that disappoint and yes there is "pork" in the budget 22% of GNP and that's not good, and yet not rationalizing an acceptance of that it is still as a measure of GNP smaller than its been in the last thirty years.  The problem with government spending is not "pork"; the problem with government spending is entitlement spending and non-discretionary spending; yet with all the President has managed to cut the rate of growth in that respect.  Let me ask a question here:
If you throw more money at education, the President's Education Program [leave no child behind] {me, I wanna' leave a whole bunch behind! McDonald's needs hamburger slappers} do you make education better or do you just make it more expensive?
He has done well on Judges and will probably do better; although the American people are a bit unrealistic about what they expect from the new selectees.
His tax cuts have been very good for the economy and tax receipts are at an all time high; it's Congress that needs to stop spending.
The President's proposals are not the best for the borders, but they are the most realistic and are a good point of departure for a tougher policy in the future; they can be "ramped up".  For everybody that is screaming "round'em up!", just how do you propose to round up eleven million illegal aliens, acceppting for the moment that the case is viable legally in the courts?
The one thing that I am disgusted with the President over is his abysmal failure to properly propagandize not only the achievements of his administration but the near disastrous failure to propagandize the war effort.  It has been haphazard and shoddy to be charitable about it.  Propaganda is a legitimate function of government and he's not going about it aggressievly enougn.  Instead he lets the lying press, that is a wholey owned subsidiary of the DNC, and now Hezbolla to spin and reshape history, witness the recent conference in ?Nevada? [9/11 was caused by the WhiteHouse?], witness that a recent pole of people in the country now shows that at least 36% of Americans think that the government created and promoted the killings during 9/11.  This is due to a failure to propagandize.
ASs for your arguments about israel I'm not buying.  The text and tone are not Pro-Israeli. I am in the vein of Chuirchill:
"... great powers do not have friends they have interests..."  Israel is to our interest in this war; they are a very good proxie in the region to hit the Hezbollah and will serve our interests quite well as they are the most like us,
"Europeans clutching guns and bibles".  As for the Muslim in America, I know the Muslim from first hand anmd when they are in the minority butter couldn't melt in their mouth faster; when they are in the majority though they are the proverbvia "horse of a different color" they're really nasty customers then.  As I said in anearly letter the myuslim will choose in this country or we will choose for them and gthey might not like the answer they get, because
Rule #5 in America says, "...Don't let other folks set the table for you because if you do you ain't gonna like it..."

Gotta' Go it's late
Anchor's Away/Semper Fi
CPO Bull

Offline WmRoy

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Re: Can a good Muslim be a good American?
« Reply #63 on: August 07, 2006, 06:13:25 PM »
Interesting read, but note that it is an editorial, an opinion.  It isn't being portrayed as factual reporting, just his perspective.   You can't half trust the stuff that the media claims to be "factual", so I have real doubts about the stuff that doesn't even bother to claim it.


I'm fully aware that it's an editoral piece.  That doesn't make it any less interesting, especially when you notice it's written by a fella from Iraq.

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Re: Can a good Muslim be a good American?
« Reply #64 on: August 08, 2006, 04:13:31 AM »
  From my view the press has been really easy on this president.


Boy if this just doesn't tell us where your warped sense of reality is.......... I don't know what will!!!

You can't honestly be serious!!  President Bush has withstood attacks from the media unlike any other President in the history of this great nation........... to say anything different just betrays one as ignorant, stupid, blind, or a liar.............. or all of the above!!! :o

Offline rifleman61

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Re: Can a good Muslim be a good American?
« Reply #65 on: August 08, 2006, 10:33:52 AM »
Trip wire word, "Propaganda".  It has pejorative meanings that people associate with the word.  Propaganda can be the "truth" [truth is a poetic word], but not all of it is.  Unfortunately the word has come to be associaterd with the late and unlamented USSR and the Nazis. Be careful here, words mean specific things independently from that which we associate with them.

Anchor'sAway/Semper Fi
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Offline WmRoy

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Re: Can a good Muslim be a good American?
« Reply #66 on: August 08, 2006, 12:48:06 PM »
  From my view the press has been really easy on this president.


Boy if this just doesn't tell us where your warped sense of reality is.......... I don't know what will!!!

You can't honestly be serious!!  President Bush has withstood attacks from the media unlike any other President in the history of this great nation........... to say anything different just betrays one as ignorant, stupid, blind, or a liar.............. or all of the above!!! :o

WmRoy,,,com'on,,,,can't you play nice? .....People doubted your intellect, but resorting to name calling only prooves it.  Just my opinion that media has been pretty light on him. He even has his own network. Many reports of him and his group removing unfavorable reporters from meetings, etc. In fact, I think he's had an incredible easy time with media relative to other presidents.....but I think the heat is going to pick up.

Rifleman...Okay good you clarified that....I just take naturally words for what they mean.


First of all TM7, I am assuming you are joking and merely stirring the pot, so I am not in fact calling you a name in any form unless of course you actually believe the nonsense that you've posted which I honestly don't think you do..... please note that I stated "You can't honestly be serious"........ and I don't think anyone is doubting my intellect at all............ for your information I come from a long line of folks with exceptional IQ's and much to your dismay my friend mine is well above the genius level so I should care what you think because?

I think if you'd honestly reflect on it (which of course you won't because you are a total "Bush-Basher") President Bush has had much more bad press than any previous President ..... and that includes Nixon and WATERGATE!!!!  So your statements which are just 'your opinion' are just pure hog-wash and really not worth any further comment!

Offline nabob

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Re: Can a good Muslim be a good American?
« Reply #67 on: August 08, 2006, 02:19:20 PM »
I didn't vote for Bush either time he ran and I don't see him as getting a pass from the media these days. I think that in the aftermath of 9/11 and the invasion of Afghanistan, he did. Not any more.

Offline powderman

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Re: Can a good Muslim be a good American?
« Reply #68 on: August 08, 2006, 04:36:16 PM »
TM7. If GW went in to Bethesda naval hospitol, prayed for the injured, and they were healed, the media headlines would say, BUSH PRACTICING MEDICINE WITHOUT A LICENSE. All I see in the media is bias and disrespect. However, if castro announced he was running on the democratic ticket, the media would love it and brag him up. Lots of left wing bias in the news. POWDERMAN.  :( :( :( :( :( :(
Mr. Charles Glenn “Charlie” Nelson, age 73, of Payneville, KY passed away Thursday, October 14, 2021 at his residence. RIP Charlie, we'll will all miss you. GB

Only half the people leave an abortion clinic alive.
What part of ILLEGAL is so hard to understand???
I learned everything about islam I need to know on 9-11-01.

Offline WmRoy

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Re: Can a good Muslim be a good American?
« Reply #69 on: August 08, 2006, 05:52:05 PM »
for your information I come from a long line of folks with exceptional IQ's and much to your dismay my friend mine is well above the genius level

Very impressive... ::) I guess you got to keep proving that. Now find somebody else to crap on and get a life, or borrow one from somebody else.


Well, sorry I was so rough on ya............... but I would think when you're tossing out 'fire bombs', 'goofy comments' and 'trying to stir up trouble' that you'd have alittle tougher hide!  And contrary to your thought of "I guess you got to" I'm not looking to prove anything.  You'll note that I don't use $10 words when 10cent words will do, and I type in a very informal and conversational style........... but you could have it worse, my dear ole "Mum" has a photographic memory and is a member of the "Mensa Society".............. she'd eat ya for breakfast!!

And as far as having a life, I'm not the one that types up book length responses when a couple of sentences are all that's needed.........

God Bless