It just goes to prove there are a lot of very stupid and careless hunters out there. Some may laugh at this clip, but this is a serious display of how stupid moves and hunting plans get people killed. Things like this are what cause the general public to classify all hunters as a bunch of "bubbas".
There was an incideent simular to this that took place back in the late 60s near Mayhill, N.M. Two hunters were desceending a hill about thirty feet apart, a cow elk was spooked out of a thicket, both started shooting, The man shot his friend in the middle of the chest with a .270. Needless to say, but the down filled jacket done nothing to protect him, he was dead when he hit the ground.
I don't know about you, but that is not the kind of one shot kill I want to make, for that reason I am very cautious of who I hunt with. I surely wouldn't hunt with these clowns.