All of the resources i have read, and in my 20+ years of reloading, Ive not heard of a non belted rimless bottleneck case headspaceing on anything other than the shoulder. The 357 Sig does headspace on the shoulder. This however has no real bearing on the original post.
First concerning the primer. Check for data that uses a small pistol magnum primer, as the powders mentioned (AA7 & AA9), are spherical, or "ball" powders. Unlike flake or stick powders, these powders are typically loaded to a higher case density. The "ball" powders have very limited space between the granules, and it "may"(schools of thought do differ) take a hotter primer to thouroghly ignite the powder. The powders mentioned are on the slow burning side of the powders used for pistol, thus another reason for the hotter primer, to get the powder to fully burn in the 4.4 inch barrel.
Again , i will concede there are many schools of thought on this, but with powders such as 296, H110, AA9, the powder mfg'rs usually recommend a magnum primer.
Now for the crimp. You will need a good solid crimp with the slower powders, especially AA#9. This is for consistancy of the pressure curve, a tighter crimp will aid in the consistant burning of the powder, and the pressure curve. Again, with powders such as AA9, H110, and Winchester 296, The powder mfgs. suggest a "high bullet pull" or tight crimp.
AA5 or AA7 probably wont need as tight of a crimp as #9. The same would be true of say, Blue Dot which is a flake powder.
I hope this helps. BEST OF REGARDS TO ALL------Todd