45Super, for the most part oso45-70 is on the money. Let me add a few more hints. If legal the best time to hunt cats is at night I have killed many that way and I've also called them in the day.
For cats bird sounds seem to work better then most others, Cottontail also works well, but probably the best sound of all is a bobcat in heat.
Many times a bobcat will sit down and watch you, it may be 100 yards away or 5'. You must keep your eyes moving all the time watching, because all the sudden there it is and you're woundering how in the heck it got there without you seeing it.
Next to a kit fox a bobcat is not far from being dumb as a rock but they make up for it with stealth. I have seen bobcats come in like a coyote on a dead run, but like oso45-70 said most times they take lots of time......Good luck