Author Topic: British Patrolium Is Punishing Us  (Read 759 times)

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Offline Sourdough

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British Patrolium Is Punishing Us
« on: August 07, 2006, 09:50:00 PM »
British Patrolium (BP) does not like paying taxes on the Oil they take out of the ground.  BP brought a new tax system to our govenor earlier this year so they would be taxed only on their total profits.  They threatened if they did not get their way it could jeperdize the gas pipeline.  Well our legislator has decided to start taxing them on the oil and gas they are leaving in the ground and not producing.  That bill was passed and announced this weekend.  So in retalliation, BP has shut down porduction of Prudue Bay.  They have knowen about the bad pipes for months, they do not have to shut down the entire area to replace the pipes.  The bad pipes are the smaller feeder pipes from the individual wells to the collection point.  Not the Alaska Pipeline as stated on national news.  They could have replaced these smaller lines one at a time, there is no reason to shut the entire system down.  Their reason is to force the state of Alaska in to approving their new tax plan, and for us to give them the oil.  They even came out with a statement today that they know the state of Alaska only has enough money to run for three to four months, before running out.  All the state services in Alaska are providied with oil tax money.  Their goal is to force a new deal onto us so they don't have to pay any taxes.  Just think about it for a minute.  If they pay taxes on the total profits, with some creative bookkeeping they will come out owing no taxes, no matter how much oil they are producing.  It is OK with them that the rest of the country suffers also since they won't let them drill in ANWR.
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Re: British Patrolium Is Punishing Us
« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2006, 12:31:36 AM »

 Thanks for the report Sourdough, I did not think the main pipe line could be giving
 thr trouble! I was there in 76 working on the pipe line on North Slope. Marv.

Offline Savage .250

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Re: British Patrolium Is Punishing Us
« Reply #2 on: August 08, 2006, 01:11:45 AM »
 Does the phrase," the tail is wagging the dog" apply here? 
" The best part of the hunt is not the harvest but in the experience."

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Re: British Patrolium Is Punishing Us
« Reply #3 on: August 08, 2006, 01:32:25 AM »
It does seem suspicious that a pipeline that is supposedly continuously inspected could be afflicted with such a severe problem. This would be a good time for a congressional investigation.
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Re: British Patrolium Is Punishing Us
« Reply #4 on: August 10, 2006, 05:18:21 AM »
Now lets be politically correct and call it BP. Not that many people know that a british outfit operates such an important pipeline in this country. The news always seem to report them as "BP".

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Re: British Patrolium Is Punishing Us
« Reply #5 on: August 11, 2006, 05:17:03 PM »
We need to get this exposed any way we ca. Sourdough, can we e-mail the Gov's office or some part of State Gov. & get info on this. Get someone with the data they can back up on O'Reilly or something. I know that is unlikely, but there should be a way.

Sourdough, if you own a business in AL., I assume that you can't go to the Gov. & demand that you pay the taxes the way you want to. Though I don't agree with what the Gov. can do, they can seize your property or in other ways "persuade you to do better. They can do the same for these idiots & if the info is exposed about which pipes are damaged, real pressure can be exerted.
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Offline Sourdough

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Re: British Patrolium Is Punishing Us
« Reply #6 on: August 11, 2006, 09:31:06 PM »
Forget our governor, he's trying to get a bill passed so that all their maintenance can be written off on their taxes.  For thirty years they (the oil companies) have been doing minium maintenance.  Knowing this they went to our govenor and requested a new tax plan that would let them write off all their back maint that they knew was about to pop up.  Our govenor agread, and has been calling the legislator in to give them their tax plan, when the legislator failed to act on the new plan, saying it was flawed and adjourned for the session, our govenor called them back for a special session.  If they don't give him what he wants this time he will kep calling them back, till they do.  Now all Alaskians realise that the govenors new tax plan taxing the oil companies on their gross profits would allow them to write off all the overdue maintenance.  Hence no profit, no taxes.  So when our legislature passed the bill to tax them on the oil and gas they are not developing British Petrolium decided to close down Prudue Bay.  Now congress is looking into a congressional investigation.  You folks think you will be hurting this winter?  Look at us, the average Alaskian home burns about 250 gallions of fuel oil a month.  At $3.00 a gallon, that's $750.00 a month just to heat your home.  Out electricity is produced with oil, so our electric bill will also go up.  Our groceries (and everything else we buy) are brought from Anchorage to Fairbanks by truck, another cost increase. 
Where is old Joe when we really need him?  Alaska Independence    Calling Illegal Immigrants "Undocumented Aliens" is like calling Drug Dealers "Unlicensed Pharmacists"
What Is A Veteran?
A 'Veteran' -- whether active duty, discharged, retired, or reserve -- is someone who, at one point in his life, wrote a blank check made payable to 'The United States of America,' for an amount of 'up to, and including his life.' That is honor, and there are way too many people in this country today who no longer understand that fact.

Offline Sourdough

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Re: British Patrolium Is Punishing Us
« Reply #7 on: August 12, 2006, 08:10:46 AM »
Update:  In this mornings paper British Patrolium has decided to keep half of Prudue Bay area open while doing repairs to the other side.  This way they will not completely shut down the pipeline.  I think they did not understand the public backlash, or how close they were coming to having the state pull their lease and reissuing it to someone else. Or maybe the call for a congressional investigation?   A group called the house yesterday and talked to the wife doing a survey.  Half way through the survey, (with all her responses negative) she stopped the surveyer and told them "If it has anything to do with (Gov) Murkowski's plan just say no, I'm totally against it".  That was not what the surveyer wanted to hear.  The wife said they really tried to get a positive response from her, and really pushed British Patrolium's aganda.  My wife feels that our governor is selling us (Alaskians, and the lower 48 people as well) out, and that he is in the oil companies pocket.  One of the main problems for you folks in the lower 48 states is that you don't realise how much this will affect you too.  If Bill Clinton had not vetoed drilling in ANWR, this would never have been a problem.  Totally shuting down Prudue would not have affected the oil output, because ANWR would have taken up the slack.  But NO someone feels that it might hurt a Caribou (That's not even present during the drilling time anyway) the US legislators won't approve for it.  So in other words we got our selves in this pickle, and British Patrolium is taking advantage of it.  The Brits have always taking advantage of us, and nothing has changed, we let them do it.
Where is old Joe when we really need him?  Alaska Independence    Calling Illegal Immigrants "Undocumented Aliens" is like calling Drug Dealers "Unlicensed Pharmacists"
What Is A Veteran?
A 'Veteran' -- whether active duty, discharged, retired, or reserve -- is someone who, at one point in his life, wrote a blank check made payable to 'The United States of America,' for an amount of 'up to, and including his life.' That is honor, and there are way too many people in this country today who no longer understand that fact.

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Re: British Patrolium Is Punishing Us
« Reply #8 on: August 14, 2006, 11:09:37 AM »
If Iran had cut of 8% of our oil supply there would be calls for war.
Happy Trails!

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Offline Brithunter

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Re: British Patrolium Is Punishing Us
« Reply #9 on: August 25, 2006, 09:49:47 PM »
Hmmm is BP still British owned? I am not sure who owns it. I know a lot of things changed espacially when they redesign the company logo and everything  ??? Although it seems it still has an HQ in London it is no longer a truely British Company :-

In August 1998, British Petroleum merged with the Amoco Corporation (Amoco), forming "BP Amoco." This move was widely viewed as a takeover of Amoco by BP and was only officially described as a merger for legal reasons [citation needed](after a single year of joint operations, "Amoco" was dropped from the corporate name). The newly-renamed "bp" became an initialism no longer overtly standing for "British Petroleum". At the same time BP used the punning tagline "Beyond Petroleum" in some advertising campaigns. The step away from "British Petroleum" was in part a reflection of the fact that BP had become a global business and also that the direct identification of the company as British could be a disadvantage in some areas of operation.

     So Amoco has dissapeared but how many of their top bods are still involved? and can you trust any Oil Company?

Offline Sourdough

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Re: British Patrolium Is Punishing Us
« Reply #10 on: August 26, 2006, 08:16:58 PM »
The head of BP is Lord Brown, British Title and all.  He was just here last week.  Things may be changing.  Murkowski lost his bid for re-election as governor, he did not make it through the primary.  The other folks running are not so friendly with British Patrolium.  I don't care what anybody says BP stands for British Patrolium, that's where all the profits go.
Where is old Joe when we really need him?  Alaska Independence    Calling Illegal Immigrants "Undocumented Aliens" is like calling Drug Dealers "Unlicensed Pharmacists"
What Is A Veteran?
A 'Veteran' -- whether active duty, discharged, retired, or reserve -- is someone who, at one point in his life, wrote a blank check made payable to 'The United States of America,' for an amount of 'up to, and including his life.' That is honor, and there are way too many people in this country today who no longer understand that fact.

Offline Brithunter

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Re: British Patrolium Is Punishing Us
« Reply #11 on: August 27, 2006, 11:55:32 PM »
Actually they changed the meaning of the initials the same time as they changed from the old shield logo. BP now stands for Beyond Petrolium and they are getting quite heavily into Solar Power. Just because the head honcho has a tiltle of Lord it does not mean it's British. Their profits do not all come to the UK as the tax is too high here. It goes to low tax places just like most other Global companies.