Marsh1 one of the biggest things that impresed me with my FA was the Lee bullets. My first mold cast so far out of round that upon sizing, it wiped most of the lube grooves off one side. Out of this gun they still shot around 1-1/4" at 25 yds! For any real world purposes, this is good enough for practice at that range, I couldn't stand looking at those bullets, and scrapped that mold. If your mold isn't perfect, try some for accuracy anyways, you may be surprised. I believe I was shooting around 8-9 grs. of Unique or W-231. These guns are so accurate that I think it gives you more latitude with your loadings. A load that isn't great in my FA still beats the pants off a lot of other guns with their best loadings! Keep shooting, I think the more you get to know it, the better you'll like it.