Hi guys, I am building a bowling ball morter using an O2 cylinder, based on the "FLORIDA BOWLING BALL MORTER" design i found here.
After the 2nd cylinder I cut in half, I found one that would accept a bowling ball. The circumference measured aprox. 27 7/8" . Windage is about 1/4". I can do more measurements if anyone is interested. I cut the valve from the cylinder with a band saw and "faced" the end untill it was about 3.5"flat with a hole of about 1.5". Using a piece of 1018 cold rollled steel, 4" dia X 5" long, I bored a "chamber" 1.780" X 2.548" deep, and faced it leaving a"insert" into the O2 cylinder aprox. 0.4" deep, press fitted. We then welded the chamber to the cylinder With TIG welding.
Excuse me for making such a long post, but I'm wondering what ya'll thing about this process and if you think it may be OK. Or should I just scrap the design and start over.
I should have taken pics of the piece as we built it.