Author Topic: Thoughts on 6.8 SPC  (Read 1524 times)

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Offline slide-flipper

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Thoughts on 6.8 SPC
« on: June 08, 2006, 01:09:54 AM »
Any thoughts on the 6.8?  I'm considering picking up a barrel.  Everything I see has it with 90-115 grain bullets.  If I bought one would I need to have it worked on to shoot a heavier bullet?  I'm really digging the thought of an 18 inch barrel on my g2.  With the small case it shouldn't be a huge noise maker.  I'm thinking something on the order of a 130 grain bullet at about 2200 fps would be good enough for my purposes.  Any thoughts?


Offline skb2706

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Thoughts on 6.8 SPC
« Reply #1 on: June 08, 2006, 03:53:48 AM »
Personally I prefer rimmed cartridges for Contenders and based on that and the availability of 30-30 brass I would opt for the 7-30 Waters. It will easily match your performance request of 130 gr. bullets at 2200fps and loading data is easy to come by.

Offline slide-flipper

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I knew it!
« Reply #2 on: June 08, 2006, 04:56:49 AM »
I knew it!  I knew it!  I knew it!!!  (just messin' around) I knew someone would bring up the 7-30 Waters.  NO OFFENSE meant to anyone here at all but I just can't get any warm fuzzies for that one.  Maybe it's the name, I don't know.  Have you ever had one that you just didn't want?  If I had ever shot one, I might change my mind but every time one comes up for sale I just click on by...

I might have to go to a .357 Max.  But I'd really like to get more sectional density and less recoil with a smaller diameter, lighter weight bullet.  I'd really like to get a fairly small case, something on the order of the .300 Whisper.  I intend this to be used in a very short and light Contender Carbine.  About an 16 1/2-18 in barrel with probably a red dot or small scope on it.  Don't want a huge boom or big kick.  I'm just kicking around ideas (sort of semi-seriously right now).

What else has been made off of pistol cartridge cases?  It seems like maybe there would be something off of the .44 Mag necked down to a .30 or maybe smaller.  Something in a .270 off of the .357?

Does anyone know of a list of cartridges and their parent cartridges?  Sort of like... all the ones made off of the .30-'06 or something like that.

Just wonderin',

Offline Doc T

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Thoughts on 6.8 SPC
« Reply #3 on: June 08, 2006, 05:33:09 AM »
If you want something on the order of a 300 Whisper, then just get a 300 Whisper.  I have two, a 10" and a 20" carbine.  I LOVE the carbine.  I haven't killed a deer with it yet but have taken several varmints.  If you don't want to reload, Cor-Bon makes ammo.  I also have a 7-30 Waters and a 44 mag. in a carbine.  I take the Waters when I may have a longer shot than 150yds.

Offline skb2706

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Thoughts on 6.8 SPC
« Reply #4 on: June 08, 2006, 09:10:06 AM »
Have a short carbine on a .357 max that is tons of fun. It will shoot .38 sps and .357 magnums too.

I just haven't seen enough info or components for the 6.8 to get all excited about yet.

Offline Sixgun

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Thoughts on 6.8 SPC
« Reply #5 on: June 08, 2006, 09:31:38 AM »
The latest issue of Handloader has a small article on the 6.8 and the problems that Remington is having with it.  

They are bogged down with the military orders and not keeping up with the civilian needs.  They were having trouble deciding whether to go with small rifle or large rifle primers and also having some other hangups that I can't remember what they were.

I think that it is a great cartridge for what it is designed for, Killing Terrorists.  It's gotta be better than the 223.

The only civilian use that I would have for it may be silhouette shooting.  It is too light for big deer (The only kind we have in Idaho) and too slow for varminting.  

I am not really trying to get anyone mad, so don't get your hackles up.  If you want one, get one, and tell us all how good it is.  If it really catches on with the military, someone will find a good use for it and everyone will have one reguardless of how good it is.

You can only hit the target if the barrel is pointed in the right direction when the bullet leaves the barrel.

Offline spinafish

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Thoughts on 6.8 SPC
« Reply #6 on: June 08, 2006, 11:21:29 AM »
I have one in the 23" version.  I really like how it shoots.  Very accurate.  I also have a 300 Whisper.  I will probably hunt with mine this year.  I have only loaded the 90 HP from Speer, but have purchased Silver State's 110 Grain load with the Sierra Pro-Hunter bullets.  Shot into wet phonebooks, the bullets have mushroomed beautifully.  I will load the new 110 Grain Triple Shock Barnes bullet when I get around to ordering some.  I wouldn't hesitate to take a deer at 200 yards with this round.  I believe it has all the TCU cartridges beat..I also believe any deer without functioning lungs is a dead deer no matter how large the body is..
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Offline Gregory

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Thoughts on 6.8 SPC
« Reply #7 on: June 08, 2006, 01:42:44 PM »
I've taken one deer with a 300 Whisper and several with a 357 Max.  The 357 Max is a much better deer round.  My experience has been with 10" barrels and shots under 40 yds.

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Offline slide-flipper

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Probably will get a .300 Whisper...
« Reply #8 on: June 08, 2006, 09:35:17 PM »
but I would LIKE something in the .260/.270/6.5mm range for diameter along with the small case.  I think that diameter range with about a 130 grain bullets should give quite reasonable penetration along with low recoil.  I'm trying to put together a fun package that won't kick (for my wife or daughter) but will still take deer and leave a good blood trail.  Guess I could always just pick a pistol cartridge and call it good, but that wouldn't be any fun now would it?  Of course the pistol cartridges are normally larger caliber so the bullets get heavier and the recoil increases.  Heck I might not even hunt with a TC this year.  My Taurus Thunderbolt in .45 Colt is supposed to be coming in soon.


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Thoughts on 6.8 SPC
« Reply #9 on: June 09, 2006, 12:53:44 AM »
Although an interesting round in concept, unless is makes a wider acceptance it will become nearly dead.

There are plenty of factory rounds out there now that will do what it does and better.

Offline panman

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Re: Thoughts on 6.8 SPC
« Reply #10 on: July 24, 2006, 12:33:41 PM »
I have been shooting one for a couple of months now.I know this is a handgun site but,i hope you dont mind me shareing rifle info.My Encore has a 26" barrel and is very very lite in felt recoil.[about the same as a light 234 load].If you have a recoil sensative person to recoil,then this round may do the trick for them.I know that you dont have many people shooting them but thouse that do like the cal.a lot,me included.Believe me if you hit a deer and its a half way good shot you will be takeing it home.Try one i do believe you will be pleased.If you have a young person or woman thats just starting out,i think it a good one.pan

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Re: Thoughts on 6.8 SPC
« Reply #11 on: August 11, 2006, 07:41:17 PM »
I know you don't what to hear it but I have to agree strongly with skb2706.  The 7-30 Waters is perfect for what you are looking to do.  I have yet to find a bullet that won't shoot well with the proper type and volume of powder.  100s, 120s, 130s, 139s, and 140s will all shoot under an inch @ 100 yards in my barrel.  The Hornady 100s HPs and 139s SSTs are simply awesome!  BTs are too but pricey.  Fireforming from 30-30 brass is easy.  I think if you try it, you will see the virtues of this cartridge in a Contender.  If you don't like it, then I suspect that it wouldn't be difficult to find someone to buy it from you. 


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Re: Thoughts on 6.8 SPC
« Reply #12 on: August 14, 2006, 05:20:42 PM »
I would love a 6.5 for my Contender but I have not found anything that gives more than about 2300 fps. My 7-30 does 2500 fps. I don't consider the 7-30 perfect. but if you consider sectional density, velocity, and avaiable bullets that expand at that velocity, it is a pretty good compromise.

I can understand a dislike of rounds for no good reason. I don't like the .44 Mag. I have a .45 Win Mag - a totally unloved round.

I wish you luck with whatever you choose,

Mike Ellestad

Offline spinafish

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Re: Thoughts on 6.8 SPC
« Reply #13 on: August 16, 2006, 10:45:56 AM »
See if someone will chamber or rechamber for you a 6.5 Super Bower..that'll do it..
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Re: Thoughts on 6.8 SPC
« Reply #14 on: August 23, 2006, 01:59:57 PM »
Don't know how common it is or how hard it'd be to find a barrel, but I swear some time ago when I was searching for a .256 Win.Mag. barrel, that someone mentioned having the same type round except made by necking down the .357 Maximum (.256 Maximum?)  Of course w/this round you couldn't get up to the 130 grn bullet weight, but probably 120 -125 grn would be possible. 

Of course w/the real mild recoil you are looking for the 6.8 w/the 115 grn load should work well.  Then on the other hand SKB2706's idea of a 7-30 Waters would be great, I know guys with 14" barrels that claim the 120 Ballistic Tip is just wonderful on deer!!  Personally I've had a 6.5JDJ 14" barrel that would shoot 120 BT's @ 2400 fps+, that was pleasent to shoot, I imagine that a 16" - 18 1/2" carbine would be quite mild in recoil.

Well, best of luck w/your choice.
Especially with a Handgun!!

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Re: Thoughts on 6.8 SPC
« Reply #15 on: August 23, 2006, 02:19:21 PM »
Bullberry has a whole series of calibers based on the 30-30 case. 6mm, 6,5 7mm. SSK also has his JDJ series based on the 225 case I believe. The only ones I have personal experience with is 7-30 waters & 7tcu. I like the 6.5 bullberry or the 6.5jdj and intend to try them some day. I just keep finding good deals on other guns and keep delaying ordering one. I must admit the 6.8 just dosen't  wind my clock but you seam to like it so try it. Regards, Byron  ;D

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