Author Topic: Ruger Mini series vs. AR-15 series  (Read 1018 times)

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Offline targshooter

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Ruger Mini series vs. AR-15 series
« on: August 15, 2006, 02:22:36 AM »
I have received some inquiries lately about comparing the merits of the Ruger Mini series of rifles versus the AR-15 series with various upper receivers (with some interesting calibers) for hunting. I would like to offer my opinion on these rifles, disregarding the issue of the caliber to be used, merely commenting on what I feel are the merits of the rifle design for hunting.
                                             AR-15                                                                                  Ruger Mini series

Caliber offerings                 Very numerous with the different upper receivers                      5.56x45 and 7.62x39

Dependability                    Sensitive to dirt and lack of lubrication                                       Not dirt or lubrication sensitive

Sights                              Standard type leave scope high and negatively                           New /5 series have excellent peeps as integral
                                      impact rifle for snap shots (high point of balance) IMO                 part of receiver and offer use of Ruger rings

Ease of maintenance         Not bad, breaks down fairly simply                                            Very easy to field strip. Fewer components than AR.

For the above reasons I prefer the Ruger as a hunting rifle. To me, it has better balance, especially with a scope installed. It also is easier to check  the bolt for lock-up and to inspect the chamber for a round. Additionally, it is easier to insure that the bolt is seated. As the sights tend to be lower over the axis of the bore it provides a better chance of not missing at close ranges on a snap shot. That said, there are some very interesting calibers offered in the AR derivatives, and this alone may suggest their use for hunting. 

Offline jimmyp50

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Re: Ruger Mini series vs. AR-15 series
« Reply #1 on: August 16, 2006, 01:30:11 AM »
I have yet to own (after 5) a single remotely accurate Mini14!  The worst a stainless steel gun that would not consitently hit a 55 gallon drum from a rest at 100 yards.  That said I would not hunt with either the AR or the Mini. If I lived in a place where you wanted a rifle in your truck for coyote etc. the mini 14 would be great for making loud noises and scaring them off!  I also would not buy a gun then send it somewhere to make it accurate, not a gun like this anyway. Finally Finally finally, if the gun gets wet the gas block rusts to the barrel gas port extention!  I have always wanted one of these that actually shot worth a darn but sadlly after 5 I have just given up. I know everyone will chime in and say "but mine shoots into a dime at 1000 yards", good for you, statistically and from my experience plus that of most others the gun has historically been inaccurate.  I do not know about the new and improved model however.  I am sure this post will win me no friends but it is what it is, a high priced plinker.

Offline NYH1

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Re: Ruger Mini series vs. AR-15 series
« Reply #2 on: August 16, 2006, 09:49:15 AM »
The Mini 14 will always be near and dear to my heart. When I was a kid from about 8 to 12 years old I used to go shooting with my uncle quite a bit. One of the rifles we would shoot a lot was his Mini 14. If I had a nickel for ever surplus round I shot in that Mini 14 I wouldn't have to work today!

Now that I own my own AR-15 I probably wouldn't buy a Mini 14, although I've thought about a Mini 30, never shot one though. I never took the Mini 14 apart to clean it, my uncle did that, like I said I was a kid. I think the AR's are pretty easy to take apart and clean.

As far as hunting I think the advantage go's to the AR's and for one reason..................accuracy! I've seen AR's set up right that make a lot of bolt action rifle look pretty said. My friend has a RRA Varmint rifle with the 24 inch barrel with the  1 in 12 twist. He hand loads and he is getting 3/8 of an inch groups at 100 yards. The only thing he has done to his rifle is he replaced the rear receiver pin with a sex screw to tighten it up. One of the best things about his rifle is that when he's not varmint hunting or target shooting he takes the complete upper half off and puts his Standard A2 complete upper half on, grabs some XM193 and go's plinking! I haven't seen a Mini 14 that was as accurate as an AR!

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Offline rich56

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Re: Ruger Mini series vs. AR-15 series
« Reply #3 on: October 21, 2006, 04:34:44 PM »
Go AR . I have a RRA Varmint, Goes 1/2'' groups with factory ammo. The mini 14 and 30 I shot count out shoot a $125 SKS. My Colt, White Oak Armament and Rock River have gone  100s of rounds before cleaning and NEVER jammed with proper ammo (factory or full legth resized). I have no problem with the human enginneering aspects of the rifle. If I wanted to hunt big game I'd get a 458 SOCOM upper and never look back