I USED to be just like you guys...Hoppes or Outers Nitro solvent...Thats what Dad tought me...to this day I open a can of nitro solvent and I soar back 30sumthing years to my first shots with a 22 with my dad and the cleaning afterwards!!
Any way, do yourselves a favor, TRY some of the gel/foam products. They REALLY do do a better job cleaning. Like I said before, I think its just because they stay in contact with the crud in the barrel longer. Like most of you, I coat a brush or patch wioth solvent and run it thru the barrel and wait........ Followed by more alternating brush and solvent patch. Untill I am clean then its oil patch time. Using blue Wonder I was able to get an adsolutely clean patch thru the barrel, somehting that I was never able to do before. With out it there always semed to be something left on the patch....not any more!!
If you where asking about Butches in perticular, i agree it is a fine product, I just like Blue Wonder better.