Western Wyoming is pretty much a sportsmans paradise, so much hunting and fishing opportunity you have to set priorities or you'll run yourself ragged. And believe it or not there is a shortage of good employees due to a burgeoning energy industry at the present. This could change at any time , especially if the Democrats gain much in the next election, but for now workers are scarce here.
I am so impressed with this new crop of veterns that I have been thinking about what I could do to express my appreciation. Maybe the help wanted ads in our local paper would be a way. The paper is printed in Riverton a town of about 10,000, so it is not a big paper.
Here are some of the types of jobs advertised in todays paper, that veterns could be interested in. Bartender, salesman for Sears, telephone computer technician-no experience required,tool operators for oilfield, para educator/teacher, slot machine tech, weed and pest district employee,security guard,teller,vault cashier, Verizon authorized retailer, city driver, cook, school business manager, mortgage loan officer,emergency management admin assistant, patient services rep.
Employiers are begging for good people in this neck of the woods. If you are a vet thinking about what to do with the rest of your life let me help you. If I kept this thread alive for awhile with a daily update of help wanted ads would that be of interest? I can furnish you with a the complete ad if you ask on this thread or PM me. I can act as a go between if that would help. Let me know, is anybody out there interested?