very interesting. we did some crono work like that some years back. used 2 cronographs and measured muzzle and 100 yd down range. tested 44, 45, 454, and some 500 linebaugh.
found that the b.c. given in books is sometimes not even close.
also found not much diff in cast designs and jacketed if weight was similar.
did find that high velocity bullets sometimes slow down even more than thought (44 and 454)
even light for caliber 400 gr. bullets in 500 were kind of impressive compared to say a 240gr. 44.
found that some expanding jacketed types were going slower than i thought at ranges that i have shot game at. but these bullets when recovered still were expanded.
b.c. seemed to be more related to sectional desity than shape or any other factor, at least in the loads we were testing.
bottom line-- heavy bullets always held velocity better no matter what design.