I am a Katrina evacuee. I lived on the West Bank. Got some flooding but not much, but lost my Job. FEMA was very good to me, I felt bad about taking their money, (they gave everybody $2K, some more) but have a family needed money to move on. Asked me if I wanted a trailer, I declined. I moved and found another job. I read where FEMA paid and is stll paying for some people's rent.
That is ridiculous. Why do they owe them? If a disaster strikes FEMA is supposed to be there to help you get on your feet, not support you for life. If my new place, or your home gets ruined do you expect FEMA to pay your rent?
Most Louisianans I know think that it is a racial thing. The Bush people don't want to appear racist since most of the evacuees were Black. But no matter how much money and help they give they will still say they didn't give enough. He is very generous with OUR money.
Everybody has problems in their life, You pick up and go on. We all knew that it would happen some day, The only people I think should be still recieving help is the elderly. If you are young. feel good you are still alive, I do.