So, conspiricy aside, lets say there is no substitute for oil, we are in the space age, we can certainly find ways to get more MPG. Like better transmissions, my corvette has a 6 speed trans and 400hp and gets around 25mpg cruising. or efficient electric cars, they now go 200 mi before charging and go 70 mph. or diesel cars, I would buy one. I had a friend who had a diesel rabbit, vw, and he got 55+ mpg.
There are lots of other ways, I am not an engineer. But I read that if we reduce oil comsuption by 10-15 % then the price will come way down because of demand.
The oil companies DO manipulate price. If they sit on a reserve of oil and the price goes from $40 per barrell to $50 does it cost them more to pump out or look for? No, Like the BS about summer driving season, does the supply dry up, NO, they just figure people will eat the story, which we do because we have no choice. And when I see Oil co. adds that say they are reinvesting in finding alternative fuel I have to laugh. If somebody makes a product that everybody likes and is selling well, do they raise the price, NO, they make more and sometimes lower price (computers, ect.) it is only that we can't do without the oil.
And the Polititions are in bed with them (surprise) George Bush has been such a disappointment to me. (like my choice in wives) wouldn't you think that since he has tons of money he would want to do the right thing and fix this energy problem, he is very immoral, because he, unlike us, has a way to fix it and he does not.