Howdy Pards!
I would like to first say, Thank You Graybeard and God Bless Ya!
For those that don't know about the Prayer Posse, I'll tell ya a little about it! it's a very easy Posse to join up with, as a matter of fact, yer probably already a member and didn't know it! If you have ever Prayed for a Pard, whether you knew them or not,,, Yer a member! all ya have to do is to
"Pledge to Pray" for anyone who needs a Prayer! and Pards, there's a whole heap of us that do! We have seen some mighty amazing results from the Prayers of this Posse! It kinda makes ya wonder if the Good Lord aint a Cowboy too! :wink: So Welcome Pards! Welcome to the Prayer Posse's Home Range!
Via con Dios!
"Big Ed"