I'm not a big fan of the NMBHs, but there's this one stainless number at the shop with the 4.6" barrel. It's like that big ol' bore is saying "hooooooooooooowdy pardner" to me every time I past the counter. I wasn't looking for any more Rugers, but this one would make a nice looking beater for my 45 LC test loads. I didn't ask, but it's probably used, even though the side I can see shows zero wear.
I passed over a 41 mag NMBH with a dented grip frame not long ago, and for more money than this stainless one. Even considering how Ruger has over-saturated the handgun market with cheapies, this one is a bit on the low side at $325. So what do you think? Should I even bother inspecting it? Think there's probably something wrong with it, like .600" chambers or termites in the grips? Would you be really suspicious if it's new?
Do tell!