Author Topic: DW Model 14 .357 What Front Sight to put on a Model 15 Shroud/Barrel to a Model  (Read 619 times)

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Offline yyc

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Hi All,
A newbie to the list....

I have 2 357 Dan Wesson one model 14 and one modekl 15. I just got the Model 14 with a 2" Shroud/Barrel and put my Model 15 8" barrel on the unit  .. well the Unit shoots way 10 " low and 5" to the left.  So is there some one on the list that could tell me - What Front Sight to put on a Model 15 Shroud/Barrel match the  Model 14 Frame rear sight.

Joe B.
Calgary, AB

Offline GrantCunningham

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There were two front sight blade heights that were available - the Model 15 uses the high sight, and the 14 uses the low sight.

You can test this by removing the sights from the shrouds and swapping them; you should find the gun shooting a lot closer to point-of-aim.

I'm not sure if the low blades are still available, since the current Dan Wesson doesn't make fixed sight guns; you might give them a call to confirm.

Hope this helps.
-=[ Grant ]=-
"The earth isn't flat, your gun shouldn't be either!"

Offline darrell8937

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you can buy a partridge sight and cut it down. It is a super easy thing to do on a milling machine. takes about 30 seconds. take of a little at a time and shoot. If you have a friend with a mill(machine shop) of course it can be done with a grinder and dremmel..