Sounds good stumpsitter ,a few guys are having jamming problems with theres . I also have a 750 i bought in the spring in 35 Whelen and am having no problems at all I load it like i did my browning bar i load the chamber first make sure the slide is al the way forward then load the clip . Not trying reloads yet she groups 1 1/2" at 100 yards and that was with a 3x9 i was uncomfortable with . I put on a 2x7 leupold and she balances much better and am sighted in at 50 ,haven't tried 100 yet ,i'll play with it after the season with my reloads. I am using remington factory express 250 PSP. Haven't tried this with the remington yet but with the browning bar if you put in aloaded clip and let the slide go it sometimes wouldn't go all the way forward and all you got was a click on that first attempt.