With the WFN, unless it is 325 gr or heavier, I cut only a .35 nose, and if you want to shoot at those mild velocities there is no good reason to put gas checks on them, if you bore is smooth. Real rough guns must be lapped to shoot plain base bullets.
The 300 gr WFN will shoot accurately at lower velocities than you 325 WLN, but not a lot lower speeds, if your WLN is properly fitted, which I assume it is. If you want a really nice bullet for light loads, get a 280 gr, which will shoot accurately at velocities down to probably 700 fps, 800 fps will stabilize it out to long ranges. It is heavy enough for deer, bear, and don't back off from an elk if you have it going at least 1200 fps, which is the best speed for fast kills on deer and larger game.
Yes, I still make the heavy SWC Lloyd talks about, which is an exact copy of the Keith heavyweight. In his configuration (The exact copy.) it is plainbase, but I can cut it for gc too. It has almost as wide a meplate as my WFN and is a super game bullet, but being heavy, it isn't a good low velocity bullet. I also make the original Kieth 45 Colt 260 SWC bullet and his original design 44 250 gr SWC. If the original profile 44 bullet is cut in 45 caliber the weight comes out at about 270 gr. Those who loved Keith order it fairly often. I offer all these, not because they are superior designs, but because they are good, and because Keith should not be forgotten.