Author Topic: What say you ?...  (Read 2784 times)

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Offline Mac11700

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Re: What say you ?...
« Reply #30 on: October 17, 2006, 07:52:50 AM »
Mac, nabob and TM7 for the most part I am with you guys. But all this talk of how we help all these other poor countries. Well let’s put another approach or spin on this. Rather than provide all this military and weapons focused aid why don’t we give them what it is that they are with out and even more so now with the war. Such as infrastructure, you know communication, power, water, food, shelter, clothing, all the so called humanitarian aid. And which for the most part is provided by private America though donations from private citizens.

Good grief... you have any idea of how many billions have been spent in Iraq by us...and I just don't mean by private donations...we have gone in a rebuilt most of their communications,water services,power grids...and our people are dying trying to protect it from these radicals...It's a lose lose situation there...We can't win unless we go all out...and we can't go all out...We cannot impose our will on these nations...We cannot liberate them from their religion..we cannot set up a puppet government....Those days are over...Even if we went in and made the country a parking lot...every nation would condem us and join in the fight against us...Hell...they almost already are...It won't take much more and they will be...

Israel isn't the reason we are over ther...Oil & Money  is the reason we are there...WMD's was the excuse...heck they new they shipped out most of it by convoy thru their mobile labs from the very beginning...The news agencies showed satillite reconicense photos of these convoys going into Syria...along with most all of their Mig fighters ...Besides... what little has been found hasn't amounted to the cost of us being there this time around.....Thousands of our brave soldiers dying...billions spent...and many more billions to rebuild that nation after hostilities stop...for what...? What have we really accompished...that couldn't have taken care of with many cruise missles and smart bombs?.....If you all want a wake up call...look who's getting rich off of this war...then you'll have a better understanding of what this BS is all about...Our nations credibility is going into the toilet over all of this...and for those flag waving zelots who are afraid of questioning our leaders....wake up...get you heads out of the sand and see what & why this has come about...It's your duty to see that our elected officials do the right thing...not just follow them blindly like sheep people...I respect this country...and the office of the president...but...I'll be damned before I just blindly accept any elected official word for something...especially when it comes to risking thousands of our Sons & Daughters lives...and billions of ours and our childrens tax dollars...

You can cry me a river... me a bridge and then get over it...

Offline Matt

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Re: What say you ?...
« Reply #31 on: October 17, 2006, 07:59:37 AM »
Good grief... you have any idea of how many billions have been spent in Iraq by us...and I just don't mean by private donations...we have gone in a rebuilt most of their communications,water services,power grids...and our people are dying trying to protect it from these radicals...It's a lose lose situation there...We can't win unless we go all out...and we can't go all out...We cannot impose our will on these nations..

 you must have skipped where I said "Now bare in mind it is most likely to late in Iraq and even N Korea" I know what we have done and are doing... the porblem is we used more force than deplomacy with the front that it was for the people... But that is how it was planned thus how it went down...

I totaly agree it ia a lose lose situation now...

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― Albert Einstein


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Re: What say you ?...
« Reply #32 on: October 17, 2006, 11:25:29 AM »
Israel is the reason we are over there.  You just don't know it.

Offline NYH1

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Re: What say you ?...
« Reply #33 on: October 17, 2006, 06:08:10 PM »
Mac11700, both your posts were well said!
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Offline Mac11700

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Re: What say you ?...
« Reply #34 on: October 17, 2006, 08:16:28 PM »
Israel is the reason we are over there.  You just don't know it. not the reason...we were "over there"...long before Israel was even a state...and it's always been about Oil & Money...period.....This country has been bartering deals with the arab nations long before WWII try again friend...Cause it just ain't so...

You can cry me a river... me a bridge and then get over it...

Offline magooch

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Re: What say you ?...
« Reply #35 on: October 18, 2006, 05:04:11 AM »
I think it was about dealing with a mad man (Saddam Hoisinsane) who demonstrated that he had expasionist ideas, who had used WMDs and who supported and financed terrorism.  The fear was that he would furnish terrorists with whatever they needed and sooner, or later we would have to do something about Saddam, or his even more evil sons.  Saddam had violated the cease fire agreement we had with him and the myriad of sanctions the U.N. had on Irak.  At the time, Iraq was the most pressing threat to us and it just couldn't be ignored. 

The overwhelming majority of Congress and the American people favored taking action against Iraq and so did Great Britain and some of the other responsible countries of the world.  If it were just a matter of oil, it would be much easier and cheaper to just buy it.  If it were just the matter of backing Israel it would have been easier to issue a dire warning that we would view an attack on them as an attack on us and we would anihilate any country that transgressed.

What is so damned hard about accepting this thing at face value?  Do we always have to look for ulterior motives?

Offline Mac11700

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Re: What say you ?...
« Reply #36 on: October 18, 2006, 05:43:05 AM »
What is so damned hard about accepting this thing at face value?  Do we always have to look for ulterior motives?

If you want to take any politician at face my guest...but your in for a rude awakening...Sadam could have been taken out long before we invaded...hell...he could have been taken out the first time around...but he wasn't...he was allowed to stay in power..Again...bad intel allowed this to happen...While the president may not have ulterior motives...those that actually control the policy making certainly do...There's an old saying...Money talks...and BS walks...and when there's big money at stake...those greedy corporations will do what ever it takes to keep their collective pockets lined with it...and it is always on the backs of the taxpayers,and those brave young soldiers we send into harms way to enforce this country's policy...While it's cost this country Billions for this war...there are several corperations that have made that and more off of it...While that may seem far-fetched to many is a simple fact of life...War is big buisness...the longer it goes on...the more profits they make....

If it were just a matter of oil, it would be much easier and cheaper to just buy it. 

Really...10% of the oil reserves this world has...easier to buy it...HA HA HA HA....Tell me....which is more logical...Having a ally favorible to you will to allow your companies to operate within his country exporting oil and making a profit...or...Having Sadam controling it.....cancelling long standing contracts...Was he using his profits to bolster his military...sure he was...He had been in a major conflict with Iran for 15 years...and this country was in bed with him...just as they are and have been with many undesirable leaders....He had to be taken out of wasn't profitable for many for him to remain....He should have and could have been taken out long ago for gassing his own people....Read up on what he was doing for the 15 years prior to Desert Storm my what companies had their oil contracts cancelled or changed...Then you deceide if there might be more to all of this than just the spin on WMD's......

You can cry me a river... me a bridge and then get over it...