Author Topic: Shotguns safer than rifles?  (Read 1048 times)

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Offline bigbore442001

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Shotguns safer than rifles?
« on: October 18, 2006, 07:01:26 AM »
I had to do some shopping this morning and while in the store I happen to walk by the magazine section. Yeah. Like I don't need to buy another hunting or shooting magazine. Well, I happened to look at the latest issue of DEER & DEER HUNTING, December 2006 and on the front cover was a caption that really garnered my interest.

" Are shotguns really safer than rifles? Shocking new insights"

I had to buy it. I live in the wonderful state of Massachusetts which has been a shotgun only state since at least 1911. I found that little bit of info while sitting in a courtroom library while on jury duty. Everyone who hunted during the firearm season had to use a shotgun with buckshot or slugs. In the past, even rifled slug barrels were not allowed. I remember hunting with my grandfather, father and on occasion a family friend. The gun of the day was the venerable Sweet 16 Browning autoloader. Gramps carried one at his favorite place on Mt. Grace . It is also the place that he died on the last day of the deer season. I have always wanted to go back to that same old abandoned farm where we hunted and where he left this world. I think I will do so this deer season, just for old time sake. Sorry about rambling off like this.

Anyways. This fear of rifling even extended to the first ten years of the muzzleloader season in the Bay State. I remember the old regulations. The gun had to be a pre-1865 design , smoothbore, single barrel with open or peep sights, 18" inch minimum, fired from the shoulder and between 44 and 775 caliber. It was a whole three days long after the week long shotgun season.

Well, that was changed and now with muzzleloading, it is pretty much anything goes except break open breech actions such as teh Encore or NEF Sidekicks.

I read the article and basically it was an eye opener. The author, Mr. David Hart, basically states that shotguns aren't much safer and there is some evidence that when you look at the ratios, there are more shotgun deer hunting accidents that rifle accidents. The author uses evidence from states such as North Carolina, Wisconsin, Virginia and Pennsylvania.

Cpt. ChrisHuebner, NC hunter and boater safety coordinator, states that one reason for this is that shotgun shooters tend to swing their muzzles more at their targets and less likely to be aware of others or buildings downrange.

In addition, some hunting methods such as deer drives tend to have more accidents.

It is food for though after reading this article. In all honesty, it does have to contend with one large issue . It is one of society. If society, even in it's ignorance, percieves that a shotgun with slugs is much safer than a rifle for deer hunting: then the rules will remain for some places to be shotgun only.

Offline curdog

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Re: Shotguns safer than rifles?
« Reply #1 on: October 18, 2006, 07:23:26 AM »
would they be safer as you stated or is the law in affect because rifles have alot longer range?
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Offline victorcharlie

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Re: Shotguns safer than rifles?
« Reply #2 on: October 18, 2006, 08:03:34 AM »
I live in the wonderful state of Massachusetts which has been a shotgun only state since at least 1911.

The law is in effect because it's the Peoples Republic of Massachusetts........

One of my good friends lives there.......the guns laws are very strict.......IMO, the state would rather not have guns at all.......
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Offline The Sodbuster

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Re: Shotguns safer than rifles?
« Reply #3 on: October 18, 2006, 10:39:07 AM »
BigBore442001 related that:
The author, Mr. David Hart, basically states that shotguns aren't much safer and there is some evidence that when you look at the ratios, there are more shotgun deer hunting accidents that rifle accidents.

I wouldn't argue with that, but I'd point out that shotgun only hunting occurs typically where you have higher human populations.  I'd make the case that where there's more people living, there'll be more hunters in the fields and a greater likelihood of accidents due to that fact.  I lived for years in the shotgun only states of Illinois and Iowa.  Neighboring Wisconsin had several shotgun-only counties.  I think there's plenty of places in both states where you could safely allow rifles.  There just needs to be the political will to get it done.  Maybe someone from Iowa would no for sure, but I've heard that they're allowing rifles in some counties now.

Offline jro45

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Re: Shotguns safer than rifles?
« Reply #4 on: October 19, 2006, 03:22:21 AM »
I live in a flat state I mean only a couple of hills and for that reason its a shotgun state for deer hunting.

Offline Ranger J

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Re: Shotguns safer than rifles?
« Reply #5 on: October 19, 2006, 04:16:43 AM »
I spent the majority of my deer hunting life in Illinois and the part of Illinois where I hunted had lots of rolling hills.  When I first started hunting with a muzzleloader I experienced some resistance by hunters in the same area because I was taking a ‘rifle’ into the woods.  When rifled barrels became available on shotguns I went back to using them.  I also had a scope on anything I shot to keep me from ‘covey shooting’ the deer.  I never felt that stray shots from another hunter were a real danger in the areas where I hunted and would not feel so if everyone were hunting with centerfire rifles.  In the central and northern parts of Illinois because of the pancake flatness of the topography the extended range of rifle might be a problem.  I don’t live there any more so it is not my problem anymore.  People in Illinois ought to try to get pistol size cartridges such as .357, 44 mag, etc. made legal in rifles as they would not carry much further than today’s shotguns loaded with sabot rounds.
   When I moved to the beautiful Missouri Ozarks, even though I had a 06 and a SKS I continued to hunt with my shotgun for several years.  I never felt under gunned in the Ozarks but as I got older I got tired of carrying it around.  I’ve now switched to a rifle but my shots are usually no further away here than they were in Illinois.  Is a shotgun safer than a rifle?  I can see where it could be in areas with built up populations and very flat land, maybe.

Offline buffermop

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Re: Shotguns safer than rifles?
« Reply #6 on: October 19, 2006, 05:30:20 AM »
bigbore442001   I also live in the republic of taxachusetts. If you noticed since our strict gunlaws were passed you see less hunters in the woods. This alone is a safty factor and now the inplemented safty hunter program to obtain a license has added to saftey afield.

Offline R.W.Dale

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Re: Shotguns safer than rifles?
« Reply #7 on: October 19, 2006, 11:28:22 AM »
  I notice that almost all of the local hunting "accidents" involve buckshot. Usually it's that one pellet that goes farther than expected that ends up punching someones ticket.

 I think it's because shotguns are used in lower visibility area's and anytime you shoot a single round of buckshot it's like emptying two rifles. Therefore you have more people closer in and more "shot" in the air at the same time, A real recipie for disaster.

 It would not hurt my feelings one bit if Arkansas outlawed the use of buckshot on deer. I don't understand why people want to use the stuff anyway, Crap if you can hit a deer with buckshot then you'ed have to be a pretty sorry shot in order to not able to make the same hit with a slug.

Offline kyote

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Re: Shotguns safer than rifles?
« Reply #8 on: October 19, 2006, 03:31:38 PM »
I notice that almost all of the local hunting "accidents" involve buckshot. Usually it's that one pellet that goes farther than expected that ends up punching someones ticket.

 I think it's because shotguns are used in lower visibility area's and anytime you shoot a single round of buckshot it's like emptying two rifles. Therefore you have more people closer in and more "shot" in the air at the same time, A real recipie for disaster.

 It would not hurt my feelings one bit if Arkansas outlawed the use of buckshot on deer. I don't understand why people want to use the stuff anyway, Crap if you can hit a deer with buckshot then you'ed have to be a pretty sorry shot in order to not able to make the same hit with a slug.

I don't understand why people want machine guns,or high cap pistols are .22rim fires..lets start with one and ban them all.then we will get their buckshot.
I is soooo stupid to even think much less say one is safer then the other.what did the surgen general say??lets make safer bullets.BLHAAAAHAAAHAAHABLAAAAA..I can see soon we will be back to droppin rocks on deer from up on a ridge with thoughts like this..
my huntin rifle is safe from confiscation only while my battle rifle protects it.

Offline R.W.Dale

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Re: Shotguns safer than rifles?
« Reply #9 on: October 19, 2006, 04:16:35 PM »
 I said nothing about "BANNING" buckshot (reading skills are key) You can buy a case of the stuff and do what you see fit, I could care less as long as it's safe.

 But when you buy a hunting licence you are legally bound to play by whatever rules your Game and Fish comission sets for the game animal you're hunting Like NO rimfires or NO shot smaller than X size no FMJ AMMUNITION ECT ECT. I just happen to firmly believe that the use of any shot should be prohibited for deer.

 Just like being obligated to follow all traffic laws on public roadways, So get off of your libertiarn/anarchist soap box and go preach elsewhere.

Offline kyote

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Re: Shotguns safer than rifles?
« Reply #10 on: October 19, 2006, 04:27:53 PM »
outlawed, banned same its just for deer?writing skills are key he he he..

he he he..

You can buy a case of the stuff and do what you see fit, I could care less as long as it's safe.
he he he safe ammo again opps are is that my readin wrong agin??
my huntin rifle is safe from confiscation only while my battle rifle protects it.

Offline R.W.Dale

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Re: Shotguns safer than rifles?
« Reply #11 on: October 19, 2006, 05:06:00 PM »
outlawed, banned same its just for deer?writing skills are key he he he..

he he he..

You can buy a case of the stuff and do what you see fit, I could care less as long as it's safe.
he he he safe ammo again opps are is that my readin wrong agin??

 YES SAFE as in not shooting cans on a fence post between you and your neighbors house DUH!!! It's called comprehension you should try it some time.

 You'ed better buy a few cases of 22lr and bury it in the backyard, as I hear it may no longer be legal to use it on deer meaning it'll be "BANNED" soon ::)

 I once had an Agri teacher who said "Men if you don't open your mouth nobody will know you're stupid."............he he he

Offline jhm

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Re: Shotguns safer than rifles?
« Reply #12 on: October 20, 2006, 04:36:34 AM »
Krocus and kyote ::  this post is locked and will stay locked until the 2 of you bring yourselves down to a decent level, both of you are a little out of hand and it will stop here or it will be taken further and any and all post will be somewhere else, thats all I will say about it so take what you want from it as its up to the 2 of you to get it out of the name calling and baiting area.  JIM