well, for every hunter like zoo who speaks his mind, I'm sure there are 20 more who don't say anything and just cancel their hunts. I drive a semi every night from winnipeg, mb down to fargo, nd and I've seen a large drop in the amount of freight going into the u.s. Peak of the market, which ships thousands of pounds of produce to the u.s. each day, says orders are being cancelled, or "posponed" indefinitly ( kinda like the president's visit to ottawa!). Several other companies are having to slow production or layoff staff because of cancelled orders. Mr. Paul Celluci the u.s. ambassador to canada said it best; "The president's time would be spent more usefully visiting a coalition country." I think everyone on this board would do everything in our power to convince you to keep your hunt, but if you chose to cancel it, no one could blame you. If you do cancel, please do us a favour. Take a few minutes to draft up a short letter to the prime minister and tell him what you've done. They won't listen to us; maybe they'll listen to you.