Author Topic: Pre-lubing bullets for the Star Lube-Sizer  (Read 527 times)

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Offline calvon

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Pre-lubing bullets for the Star Lube-Sizer
« on: October 18, 2006, 12:36:00 PM »
As most all Star users know, the sizing is done before the bullet is lubed. That means sizing is done dry and that creates a few problems. A common solution is to grab a lubed bullet and run it through the die again. That works for maybe a half dozen rounds and then has to be repeated.

Veral Smith recommends putting some Lee Case Sizing Lube in the quench water. That works up to a point, but still really no cigar. I stumbled onto a solution that works: get some Lee Case Sizing Lube. It is a water soluble grease. Put a lump of the Lee lube about the size of a brazil nut in your wife's blender (works best when she's not looking), add six ounces of water, and blend it. Put this in one of those little plastic pump bottles that creates a spray mist. Lay out the bullets in a single layer on a paper towel. Spray them with the lube-water mix until you have the surface nearly covered with tiny little droplets of water. Stop before the droplets run together. Allow this to dry thoroughly, then size the bullets. It will go much easier than before.

Offline LAH

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Re: Pre-lubing bullets for the Star Lube-Sizer
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2006, 11:40:24 AM »
I'm sure that will work fine. I still do it the old fashion way. Most my bullets will size fine if I run a lubed one through every 10th time...........Creeker
Joshua 1:9