Don't get me wrong, I realy like my little Bearcat and I cary it a lot around the place here. Same thing with my Single Six's in 32mag. I was just thinking out loud, I gess. I had heard about some Bearcats being converted to 22mag, and was thinking out loud about a 5 shot one in 32mag. That looks to be out of my price range untill I manage to hit the lotto, so I gess I'll just roundbut the standard handle Single Six I have now and leave it at that.
I like the idea of a Bearcat in 25acp, or even a lengthened 25acp case, just to have one for plinking that is reloadable. I had a machinest that was going to convert a lever action 22lr to 25acp for me a couple years ago, but he split in the middle of the nite one Saturday nite with the bill collectors hot on his trail, so that idea has been put on hold for now. Realy, a 22lf will do anything that a 25acp will do, but I've often wondered what the ctg was capable of in a good strong gun insted of the little pocket autos it's usualy chambered in. OH well, I gess it's just an excersize in thought, not practicle to do, but fine to wonder about.
Thanks for all the replies, you guys have been helpful and I do thank you all.
Greeenriver(The Lotto thing didn't work out Friday nite, and neather did the Saturday nite drawing, but I'm ever optimistic.)