How about this guys .
Its for real ,no tricks .
Im standing beside the tree.
6 hours before this the clearing you see was also covered with the plants in the foreground.
6 hours before you would have seen this ,it is not a sunset or a sunrise.
That road runs North , and the clouds emanate from this.
if you look you can see the sky ,it was a clear and sunny day.
Look at the base of the light ,you will see a pillar of light coming up from the ground.
Wanna see more ?
I don't hear bumps in the night.
My GOD gave me a brain and i use it.
I do not believe in ghost ,aliens , lock ness or big foot.
I believe in my GOD and His Son who died for my sins.
And i believe GOD made all things and can take all things away just as well.
He allows us to explore some of his creations and discover that which could make our lives better.
But when you cross the line in science he sure lets you know believe me.
Its all science guys , and my belief in my Lord has taught me to do a lot of things we humans would usually not even try to figure out.
Science didn't move me away from GOD thinking i was smart ,it brought me closer to him.
Because i understand , and it opens new doors that made me see just how powerful he is.
We only play in a little part of it all.