I have recently acquired a Charles Daly ( now the new Remington 799) Mauser action 25-06 rifle. It comes with a Bultler Creek composite (plastic?) stock. The stock makes full contact with the barrel from the receiver ring to the tip of the fore end. Now I haven't shot this rifle yet so I don't know how it shoots, but I suspect that it will shoot even better if I float the barrel.
Okay, now is anyone familiar with this stock? Can anything be gained by glass bedding the action? I've never done that before. I have done work on wood stocks to float the barrel, but never glass bedded an action. Does it even make any sense to do this with this type of stock? Or, would it be better to get a wood stock, or a better composite stock?
I guess I better shoot it first. It may shoot very good as is, or may shoot so bad I won't want to fool with it.
Thanks for any insights.