If you don't mind,I'll jump in here.
I wouldn't worry too much about the Uberti 1873 Cattleman 45 Colt.
I have one, and it was worth the money I paid for it.
For the shooting of this Colt copy,OH YEAH !! Cowboy loads,factory and reloads in smokeless, and
BP/sub loads.Sure beats "magnumized" loads everytime.
LOTS of cases,bullets,primers and powders.
Recoil is mild to a lot less then a 44mag.Yes, I do have 44 mags, and a 454 F.A.
Plus, a Ruger 45 Colt.
You can get serious with your loads for hunting if you like.
These guns,mind you, are an 1873 design.Still, a wonderful way to shoot without so
much recoil.They're light to carry.
I'll hope to do some more loading,maybe tomorrow.
You just enjoy that Uberti !