Author Topic: Remington 1858 carbine questions  (Read 1022 times)

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Offline steveb3006

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Remington 1858 carbine questions
« on: October 25, 2006, 05:01:40 PM »
As some of you know I'm looking to get my first cap and ball pistol. I really like looks of the Colt style 1860 Army's but the more I look at the Remington 1858 I like them as well. I will eventually get conversion cylenders for them but does anyone have one of the Uberti 1858 carbines. How are they as far as accuracy? I thought I could get the Remmie 1858 pistol and carbine and just switch the same conversion cylinder for them. Any info or suggestions appreciated......Steve.
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Offline timothy

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Re: Remington 1858 carbine questions
« Reply #1 on: October 26, 2006, 12:12:35 AM »
Thats a good idea, I imagine the carbine would shoot very well if its anything like the revolver. 58"s are wonderfull they shoot forever and dont hit a mile high. They're almost not BP guns they wrok so well. Good luck

Offline willysjeep134

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Re: Remington 1858 carbine questions
« Reply #2 on: October 27, 2006, 05:55:25 AM »
Dixie gun works has a shoulder stock for Pietta 1858 remingtons, and their freak buntline colt navy. It costs about $150. You could get either a normal steel framed remington, or a steel framed remington "buffalo" which isn't historically accurate, and just add the stock when you felt like having a carbine. During the civil war a lot of higher end pistol sets came with an add on carbine stock. It might be a good alternative if you didn't want to pay for both the pistol and carbine.

Ooh, I just realised, you couldn't shoot a conversion cylinder with the carbine stock on a pistol, it would be illegal. You could use the cap and ball cylinder though. You would need the Cattleman's Carbine with a 16" barrel to legally use a conversion cylinder with a stocked gun.
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