i seem to remember loading 110 gr target bullets that were half jacketed that were intended for the m-1 carbine. i reloaded them for my ruger ssm and they worked fine. there used to be loads listed in some of the reloading manuals for the 32 mag, though i haven't noticed a listing as of late for this bullet. i think the cheapest way is to buy the cast semi wadcutter 105gr, bullets which work well with an appropiate load of 110 or 296 which work extremely well in my ruger. because of the small case capacity you have little wiggle room in loading the 32 mag, i got into some trouble once when i copied a load meant for regualr size bh that had a short run of 32-20 w/ an extra 32 mag cylinder. my little ssm wasn't strong enough and the cases were firmly stuck until i took a wooden dowl to knock them out. ilearned my lesson ! gl