The Corbin brothers have books on their web sites, download free... no pictures!!! oh welllll... [ (dave) and (rich)] In his writings Dave has clearly stated that any large press suitable for case forming will be adequate for swaging small diameter jacketed bullets, .224, .244, short pistol bullets; AND it will do most jobs with pure lead bullets, even the longer rifle bullets if the power stroke is long enough for the given bullet. Short, pure lead .50's no problem. Long pure lead .40s, problem. Power is in the end of the stroke due to the multiplier/knuckle. Ask and engineer, this is about my limit.
SHORT ANSWER: Any cast iron, full sized press for reloading.
From there, think of the "out of business" names. Texan? Baer? Pre Hornady Pacific? CH has changed hands a number of times. If you want cheap, and the press is not worn out, unlikely, or stored poorly and rusted to junk... I had a Rock Chucker Jr. once that was marked "liberty"... exact copy out of California... This is where I would look. Herter's seem to have a following, and I don't pretend to understand all the in and outs of that --??-- orangization... but there was Ruhr American out of the same address. Dig and I think you can find your item. luck