I had a .44 Magnum, 10 1/2" Bull Barreled, NMSBH cut to just in front of the ejector rod housing, about 5 5/8" Bbl. length and then had the gun Magna-Ported. Great gun for brush and short range hunting. I've taken three Whitetail Dear with the gun to date. One at 15 yards and the other two at about 50+ yards.
I like the gun so much that I just picked up a limited edition, .44 Magnum, Stainless Steel SBH, Besley model with 5 1/2" barrel. I plan on packing this gun for short range and brush hunting when I carry my .454 Casull with Leo. 2X Scope, for long range hunting, for deer this comming season. Get the gun and don't look back! - J.Solo