I read on here a lot about bugging out and bug out bags. But the one thing I guess I've never really figured out is: Where the heck you gonna bug out to and why? I honestly do not understand what it is you guys have in mind.
Bug out Bag is a general term. It means several things to different people.
Bug Out might mean that you are at home, there is a fire, you have 2 minutes to get out. You get out of your home and have to stay at a shelter or a friends home. Do you have the things in your car or by the door to keep you comfortable in a difficult situation.
Think of what happened in New Orleans. What if the population had a backpack ready to go with essential supplies for three days? How many lives would have been saved? How many would have been made more comfortable?
There are also "GET HOME BAGS". These are bags/backpacks that you keep in your car in case of an emergency. Tools, jumper cables, food, extra clothing, blankets, etc. What if you had a blizzard so sever while at work that you could not make it home? How comfortable would you be?
Bug Out does not mean escaping to some wilderness location. 99% of the time it means providing you with necessities to get you through a disaster.
I keep a small backpack in my trunk at all times. Right now it contains the following:
Long underware (I am in Maine and it is cold up here)
spare jeans
wool shirt
fleece jacket
canteen with water
wool hat
small pocket stove
4 mountian house meals
small shovel
first aid kit
550 para cord
sewing kit
I also keep a sleeping bag, long shovel and other items for "JUST IN CASE."
No mater what happens....I will make it home.