Mayor of...; Did you look into the classes available? Perhaps you will choose a class that doesn't put you up against the speed demons. Is your interest historical? Perhaps you might wish to choose a persona, and then select a battery to match your character. Me? I went from "modern" ,as all I had was a Blackhawk, then went with the cap'nballs, and now I'm using '51 Navy Richard Mason .38 conversions, an 1866 carbine and a hammer double. It doesn't matter so much what you own, learn to use your armament effectively. Believe me, you can come pretty close to the bulk of shooters with a side-by-Side. Learn to shuck the empties out with a backward jerk or you will be there pickin' shells all day.
My persona is that of a "remittance man" of the 1870's. I shoot blackpowder in one of the smaller classes, but get a lot of satisfaction from it.