Kerry is a typical Democrat... and they're
NOT the gun-owner's/hunter's "friend", but sadly... the other party's representatives aren't much better... and ALL of 'em are in politics for one or both of the following reasons:
1)They wanna get rich at our expense...
2) They love the "POWER" they wield as our representatives in Washington, D.C.!
If you doubt these facts, just look at the retirement package & health coverage they've voted for THEMSELVES (at OUR expense)... and then you'll understand "why" they are NOT in the same Social Security System we're forced to be in.
If we wanna "fix" Social Security, then we must DEMAND our Federal Govt's employees and ALL of our Federal Congressmen/Congresswomen, our Senators and the President must be "in" the same Society Security System we're all in.
THEN, my friends, you'll see how quickly Social Securty CAN be adequately funded... and how all the "problems" just seem to "melt away"!!!
Strength & Honor...
Ron T.