Author Topic: ...Voting advice...  (Read 867 times)

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Offline ironglow

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...Voting advice...
« on: November 03, 2006, 12:35:53 AM »
   News coming in from the middle east as I type.. Fox news reporting..

   Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad and all the other terrorist groups that are willing to chime in are calling for a Democrat win in our mid-term elections.
   They clearly state that they savor a Demo sweep.. saying, if that is accomplished they anticipate a quick withdrawal... and a victory celebration for them.

    The leading Islamist newspaper in Egypt is calling for Americans to vote for the Democrats...

    I can't feature any real American bowing to the Islamofacists wishes...but...It's a free country ( at least for now).
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Offline nabob

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Re: ...Voting advice...
« Reply #1 on: November 03, 2006, 12:42:41 AM »
That ploy was old when Adam ran for mayor. "The Canaanites support my opponent. Vote for me unless you want the Canaanites running the Garden."

Offline Questor

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Re: ...Voting advice...
« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2006, 01:07:03 AM »
Is there something factually untrue about the current situation in which our opponents in the middle east favor Democrats?
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Offline ironglow

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Re: ...Voting advice...
« Reply #3 on: November 03, 2006, 01:46:37 AM »

   Read the first line of my post...
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline magooch

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Re: ...Voting advice...
« Reply #4 on: November 03, 2006, 03:41:48 AM »
I don't think it takes a stroke of genius to assume that the terrorists would prefer that the Dumbycrats increase their pacifistic and appeasement stance in this country.  I'm pretty sure that if we presented a united effort in fighting the terrorists, they would be much more likely to realize that they can not win and maybe they would slink off into oblivion.  Conversely, as long as there are those, like too many of the leaders of the Dumbycrat Party who would cut and run and thus encourage the terrorists that they only have to persist to prevail, we're in for a long, long hard struggle.

Offline Tn Jim

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Re: ...Voting advice...
« Reply #5 on: November 03, 2006, 08:57:18 AM »
Liberals are like abused dogs. Raise your hand to one and they roll over on their back and piss all over themselves. Given the chance, they would give this country over to the sand pigs in a heartbeat and scream "See how compasionate we are?". And I have the sneaky suspicion the sheeple are going to give them that chance next week. >:(
Not all Muslims are terrorist, but oddly enough, all terrorist are Muslims.

Offline hardertr

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Re: ...Voting advice...
« Reply #6 on: November 03, 2006, 09:29:11 AM »
Of course the extremists want the Dems to win.  Were it a Dem majority that sent us there, they would be singing the same song about a Republican win.  This isn't news.....just propoganda.

What irks me are the folks that are going to vote straight Republican out of spite (because "FOX NEWS SAID the terrorists want the Democrats to win.)  We have a TON of uneducated voters out there!  I may be "wrong" in some of your eyes...but when I fill out my ballot, and don't know anything about the candidates running for a certain office...I DON'T VOTE for that office.  I feel like I do my country a diservice by voting Dem or Rep when i have no clue what that candidate stands for.

What ever happened to looking at a candidates track record?  What ever happend to voting for a CANDIDATE rather than a party??  Why do so many folks vote straight dem/repulican...BECAUSE THAT'S THE WAY THE FAMILY ALWAYS VOTED??
The problem with troubleshooting is....sometimes it shoots back!

Online Casull

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Re: ...Voting advice...
« Reply #7 on: November 03, 2006, 12:02:57 PM »
Fox News,,,mmmm,,,,, Link please and a link other than Fox would be nice, too.

TM7, you will accept the most outrageous conspiracy theory from any internet source when it comes to blaming our government for 9/11, but you have a problem with Fox News reporting that terrorists want to see Dem's win (which seems pretty logical).  Seems your mind is already made up.
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Offline ironglow

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Re: ...Voting advice...
« Reply #8 on: November 03, 2006, 12:18:29 PM »
    Naturally, we are all dumb beasts ..except for you..
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline WmRoy

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Re: ...Voting advice...
« Reply #9 on: November 03, 2006, 12:35:46 PM »
Of course the extremists want the Dems to win.  Were it a Dem majority that sent us there, they would be singing the same song about a Republican win.  This isn't news.....just propoganda.

What irks me are the folks that are going to vote straight Republican out of spite (because "FOX NEWS SAID the terrorists want the Democrats to win.)  We have a TON of uneducated voters out there!  I may be "wrong" in some of your eyes...but when I fill out my ballot, and don't know anything about the candidates running for a certain office...I DON'T VOTE for that office.  I feel like I do my country a diservice by voting Dem or Rep when i have no clue what that candidate stands for.

What ever happened to looking at a candidates track record?  What ever happend to voting for a CANDIDATE rather than a party??  Why do so many folks vote straight dem/repulican...BECAUSE THAT'S THE WAY THE FAMILY ALWAYS VOTED??

I'll be voting a straight Republican ticket............ does that make me uneducated?  But I was going to even before this came out........... so I guess I am educated after all.............. ain't that nice...........  ;) :D ;D ;) :D ;D

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Re: ...Voting advice...
« Reply #10 on: November 03, 2006, 12:50:39 PM »
Of course the extremists want the Dems to win.  Were it a Dem majority that sent us there, they would be singing the same song about a Republican win.  This isn't news.....just propoganda.

What irks me are the folks that are going to vote straight Republican out of spite (because "FOX NEWS SAID the terrorists want the Democrats to win.)  We have a TON of uneducated voters out there!  I may be "wrong" in some of your eyes...but when I fill out my ballot, and don't know anything about the candidates running for a certain office...I DON'T VOTE for that office.  I feel like I do my country a diservice by voting Dem or Rep when i have no clue what that candidate stands for.

What ever happened to looking at a candidates track record?  What ever happend to voting for a CANDIDATE rather than a party??  Why do so many folks vote straight dem/repulican...BECAUSE THAT'S THE WAY THE FAMILY ALWAYS VOTED??

Well after looking at Google and the other search engines for a few hours now I have not found one place that this was said that it did not originate from a republican or one of the republican sided media outlets.

This is propaganda plain and simple. Now do I want the dim witted democrats or the money driven republicans either one to have a majority... NO... but I can tell you that the republicans will continue to hold that majority until the 2008 elections when we will get to see out first independent president. And I have hopes of a majority independent congress by 2012…

Fox News,,,mmmm,,,,, Link please and a link other than Fox would be nice, too.

TM7, you will accept the most outrageous conspiracy theory from any internet source when it comes to blaming our government for 9/11, but you have a problem with Fox News reporting that terrorists want to see Dem's win (which seems pretty logical). Seems your mind is already made up.

Casull I know for a fact that TM7 does not buy into the conspiracy theory on 9/11 he and I along with nearly 50% of America have opened our eyes... I bet you was one of those who sided with the government on waco to wasnt you... how about ruby ridge... oklahoma city... some day after it is all out in the open and the truth is known and you find you was wrong no one will think any less of you except for you...

 Naturally, we are all dumb beasts ..except for you..

if you cast your vote for someone just becuase of and based soley on the (R) beside their name... YES YOU ARE DUMB !!!

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Re: ...Voting advice...
« Reply #11 on: November 03, 2006, 02:53:01 PM »
True...I don't automatically accept mass media stories like you do

Who said I accept mass media stories?  Oh wait, you just chewed me out for making just this type of assumption about you.

but I did want to see the source and weigh it for myself

The tone of your comment (Fox News, Mmmmm) and the immediate request for another source would seem to indicate that you had already discounted the story.  Or maybe I'm just to susceptible to the obvious.

Casull I know for a fact that TM7 does not buy into the conspiracy theory on 9/11

Hmmm, seems like I recall he and I (and you Matt) having a discussion where the two of you argued for the truth of the conspiracy theories (and of course I get the weak sarcasm in your statement).

he and I along with nearly 50% of America have opened our eyes

You've used this figure before, but based on my own observations (both in the real world and here), the two of you are in fact in a quite small minority.  I've yet to meet anyone in the real world espousing this view.  Of course I know they exist, probably just not very many in the Midwest.

I bet you was one of those who sided with the government on waco to wasnt you... how about ruby ridge...

Matt, just because I don't believe in the wacko conspiracy theories about 9/11 doesn't mean I sided with the government on waco.  By the way, I bet "you was" one of those that argued that we never landed on the moon, that Oswald didn't shoot Kennedy and ... oh never mind, I'm sure you're too young to be from that generation.

TM7, I apologize if I extrapolated too much from your sarcastic remark about Fox News.  I don't know that you believe all the crazy 9/11 conspiracy theories, I just know I've seen you espouse alot of them, and I've never seen you attack one of them.
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Re: ...Voting advice...
« Reply #12 on: November 03, 2006, 04:04:44 PM »
Matt, just because I don't believe in the wacko conspiracy theories about 9/11 doesn't mean I sided with the government on waco.  By the way, I bet "you was" one of those that argued that we never landed on the moon, that Oswald didn't shoot Kennedy and ... oh never mind, I'm sure you're too young to be from that generation.

so what is your stand on waco? ruby ridge? Ok City?... The moon landing( not sure on that one myself) JFK (yep government job) tell us... come one dont be shy...

Look how can you dismiss it when you will not even open your eyes to see if any of it might... note I said might... be true or possible...

I will be so glad when everyone... not to exclude a single soul... on GBO learns the true power of the internet and its uses...

To think that we have such a tool at our disposal and yet we use only so little of the power it has...

Never before has man been so able to reach out and find information and gain knowledge as we can now... I know that there is much BS out there but if you learn to use the net as a tool and not a toy then you can find the knowledge you seek...

Oh and by the way... were do I get those figures... from the very same people you get all your information... the trick is I know how to turn the page and over look the cover story...

Also myself and several others are planning a "grass roots" movement here locally and we already have thousands of people signing up to get a seat... to hear us... and hear what we have to say... so... stick that in your pipe and smoke it... As to people on here… look at my audience… primarily hard core republican… pro gun… pro god… anti terrorism and anti truth… But hey… it sure is fun to play in the lions den… especially when I know none of them can bite me… lol

As I said years from now when it will not matter any longer (to the masses) we will learn the real truth yes just as we did with Waco, ruby ridge and now Oklahoma city... come on they did it before but you think them incapable of doing it again... what is that... battered wife syndrome... But he really loves me… he would never hurt me… oh I deserved it… yeah what ever I’ll send a black rose to your funeral…
Any fool can know. The point is to understand.”
― Albert Einstein

Online Casull

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Re: ...Voting advice...
« Reply #13 on: November 03, 2006, 04:51:33 PM »
Oh and by the way... were do I get those figures... from the very same people you get all your information

As I thought, you believe them when it fits your preconceived notions, but not when it runs counter to those preconceptions.  That's very convenient, but not very scientific.

Aim small, miss small!!!

Offline ironglow

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Re: ...Voting advice...
« Reply #14 on: November 04, 2006, 03:51:18 PM »
    A website without propaganda..    <>

       Doesn't take sides...just gives bio, education , stats and family/religion etc makeup of each elected rep.
  Just go to the site, type in a name in the search box on the left and you can read all about them..

   Fior instance, I live in NY i want to look at how a couple candidates for NY regard my gun rights...

    So first off, I type in___ Reynolds then click and pick out Tom from the list. Under his photo are several categories;
I click on to "intrest groups" and get a selection of such things as abortion, defense and gun issues.
  Click onto "gun issues"..and I can find how well he backed our 2nd amendment..

   After that I did the same with__ Clinton... Hillary and ___Schumer..Charles

        Out of the three, one was a great defender of the 2nd amendment..the other two really stunk !

       By clicking onto "voting record" under their can see how they voted on various issues..

    I won't tell you which was which..don't want to be partisan'll have to check   yourself.
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline williamlayton

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Re: ...Voting advice...
« Reply #15 on: November 05, 2006, 12:12:45 AM »
As long as folks vote a straight ticket, be it republican or Democrat, we ALL will be tied too whomever is pulling the strings of this group.
Vote the man, demand of him to represent his area no matter his desires.
Folks, you are blinded and misinformed, believing a lie, if you think that a national party has any desire for you too be represented-----They want the power.

Offline ironglow

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Re: ...Voting advice...
« Reply #16 on: November 05, 2006, 07:19:25 AM »
    I hear lots of folks emphasizing how important it is to examine the issues and the candidates closely.

  Then after close study, vote for the one that best suits what we want in leadership. I have assumed that almost every one of us, even those I disagree with..have done so and will vote for the one they want to win.
    In some ways it seems condescending and patronizing to attempt to tell others that they must study the issues/candidates.
  That type of thought process to me, seems to come from an attitude of superiority
   I have regulartly figured that most of the posters here probably do examine the issues 7 candidates closely...then vote their choices.
    If they want a gun-grabber, they vote for one.. ! 
     I am 70 yrs old and have NEVER voted a "straight ticket". I believe that one of the two major parties cannot be 100% right and the other 100% wrong..especially when considering local contests.
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)