Author Topic: MK II .22 Slab Side = Rusting  (Read 434 times)

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MK II .22 Slab Side = Rusting
« on: November 08, 2006, 03:50:09 AM »
I have a Ruger Mk II .22 Comp Slab Side, and as far as I can remember.. Each side of the gun (the slabs) have begun to show discoloration from rust.  The gun has been in fair conditions and wiped down with a silicone cloth before being placed in the safe.  Any idea what's up??
Hunting in Minnesota Moderator

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Offline K.K

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Re: MK II .22 Slab Side = Rusting
« Reply #1 on: November 08, 2006, 02:35:00 PM »
is there high humidity in your house?  Possiblly the safe itself?  You may want to get one of the de-humidifying units for your safe.  Also, try Inhibitor oil on the outside surfaces of your guns adn dont touch the metal after you wipe it down.  The cheapest way to go is the Inhibitor oil.  I have used it with great success on all of my guns in storage.  Also, just check on them every once in a while and keep an old sock loaded wiith that oil and wipe em down.