Author Topic: Good day, Wednesday!  (Read 596 times)

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Offline JKump

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Good day, Wednesday!
« on: November 10, 2006, 06:32:21 AM »
Let me start back a couple day with Friday, Got a chance to go deer hunting and got to the wood around 530 AM.  On my way into the stand walked up on two deer bedded right next to the roadway I am walking on. Good sign.  I got up into the stand and started waiting.  At about 815 AM while using a Doe bleat call, I got a little button buck to come up and was able to harvest it with a well place shot from my Taurus 357 mag handgun.  Shot him at about 30 yards.  Well, I was not able to get back into the woods until Wednesday morning.  This Time I had my NEF 308 Survivor single shot w/ 180 grain Federal Fusion ammo. Well once again at about 825 AM I seen movement above my stand at about 100 yards away thru the Pines.  A Doe came out and she was moving, was not able to get the rifle up.  Then I had another Deer come out right behind her, again no shot presented itself.  However, I was ready when the third deer came.  I got this one to stop with a BRRRR grunt.  He stopped behind a tree which only presented it rear end. He stepped out and I was able to stop him, I was able to place a nice shot just behind the shoulder.  He jumped as if hit, however, it killed me to wait before I got down to check.  After 10 minutes I went and checked a good hit and a good blood trail.  I followed it about 15 yards and found a nice spike.  I went back to the stand to see if I could get another one.  At about 935 AM as I was about to get down and get the first deer out of the woods, I had another Buck come in right for my stand.  This Buck with a good rack (7 point) came right at my stand; I could not get him to stop with a grunt, but did get a shot off at about 15 yards.   Down he went.  So I had two to take over to the processor.  The Spiked went a little over 100 lbs. with the 7 pointer around 170 lbs.  Not to bad for the start of the season. ;)
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Offline HuntingGuy

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Re: Good day, Wednesday!
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2006, 09:04:40 AM »
Hunting in Minnesota Moderator

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Offline .308sniper

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Re: Good day, Wednesday!
« Reply #2 on: November 10, 2006, 10:21:29 AM »
Congrats!  I shot a spike this morning.
have fun! get it done with a 308.

Offline Tn Jim

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Re: Good day, Wednesday!
« Reply #3 on: November 10, 2006, 05:28:06 PM »
Way to go JKump! I wish I could do that. We can only take one deer per day and two bucks per season here. ::)
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