Author Topic: How do I do it??  (Read 1139 times)

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Offline keebo52

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How do I do it??
« on: November 11, 2006, 04:23:25 PM »
I just got my 45/70 and have been reading about patched bullets.  I've been casting and loading cast bullet for hand guns for years.  Now I want to try patched bullets.  I have quite a few .452 cast bullets in both 230 and 255 grain.  How do I patch them?  Is there a tread here on how to apply the paper patch?  Should it be wet or dry?  Do I lube or not?  Help, I need the basics!!!! 

I've also read the treads on using teflon tape.  I may try this too but I want to try with paper first.

Offline JBMauser

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Re: How do I do it??
« Reply #1 on: November 11, 2006, 05:36:29 PM »
Check out this site.

Paul Matthews has a great book on paper patching and well worth the read.  Generally you need to start out with a pill that is smaller than groove dia.  a pill that will just etch on the rifling is the best and then patch up to the groove dia. 
Best of luck .. JB

Offline Castaway

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Re: How do I do it??
« Reply #2 on: November 21, 2006, 04:14:56 AM »
Patching is not as hard as some make it seem, it is mysterious and time consuming though.  The trick is taking an undersized bullet and finding the right paper to make two wraps that butt end-to-end and come up to about 0.001" over bore diameter (smokeless) or under if loading BP.  Cut the patch in a rhombus and moisten.  I use spit, but a concoction of egg white and water also will work.  Too much wetness and the patch will tear as you wrap it, too little and it won't stretch and subsequently tighten when it dries.  The patch should go just over the ogvive and at the base, twisted into a tail.  After drying, snip the tail off with nail clippers.  I use to use Lyman moly lube on the patch before loading, now I use Lee Luquid Alox.  Easier done and it provides some degree of water proofing.  Bell the case mouth well, load with jacketed data.  My bullet starts at 0.452" and patches up to 0.459" or just slightly over.  Ppaer of choice for me is college ruled notebook paper (16 lb). 

Offline wgr

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Re: How do I do it??
« Reply #3 on: December 28, 2006, 01:06:15 PM »
i been sizing some 255 grain with printer paper   sized to 452 then two raps of printer paper.   but most i leave at 454 and use 9lb  paper  with smokeless powder i use lee alllox  with black  i use crisco  been using corn meal as a filler with a wad over powder   21 grains of 2400  pall matthews  book is great  also the lyman cast bullet reloading mannul  is a good one if u cast alot are shoot cast bullets
never to much gun

Offline JBMauser

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Re: How do I do it??
« Reply #4 on: December 29, 2006, 04:19:12 PM »
Here is a good site with pics and data.  it can help you get your mind around it.

Good info  go visuals.  best of luck