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Offline kyote

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coyotes outside
« on: November 12, 2006, 05:27:01 PM »
I am working in the launch complex this day.we have 20 guys that rotate in and out of here.most throw their left over grub out the back door.and animals come and feast..mostly coyotes.I put bread with bacon grease and some other food out there.
they come with in 15 yards of me while I am sitting out there(we are in the middle of nowhere)intersting to watch..some come and smell all around the food and turn it over with their foot and do some more they are aware of the cyanide pellet traps.they pick it up by mouth and run off to eat it when they think it is safe.others will come in sniffin the ground then eat acouple piece of the offerin then run off with out ever checkin the food  like the other (s) do.they normally sing around the bld during the night.chasin rodents I guess coming in for the scraps.but all the food will be gone in the morning except for the flour tortillas and corn tortillas for some reason.they normally get eaten in the next couple days by birds and other critters.
I was just outside havein a smoke break and watched a small blonde come in very quite could not hear her at all.she saw me and turned to walk around the garden fence and stepped on a dry leaf (the only noise she made).she jumped and looked at where she stepped and went on ever so silently.
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Offline Glanceblamm

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Re: coyotes outside
« Reply #1 on: November 13, 2006, 02:51:30 AM »
I got to see these antics while Deer hunting one year with a previous gut pile in sight. The yote would stalk it like it was a mouse or something then check the wind on three diff sides then grab a morsel and run off to the safety of the brush to eat it and would do this repeatedly.

Kyote, sent you a PM the other day, let me know if you did not recieve it.

Offline kyote

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Re: coyotes outside
« Reply #2 on: November 14, 2006, 11:37:12 AM »
                        No, I did not recieve your PM..

now speaking on the origanal post about 1130 that nite,it sounded like a dozen yotes talking to each other right outside the Bld.I think it is one of the neatest outdoor sounds besides those elk Bugles.and I still don't know what the heck they are saying..
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Offline Glanceblamm

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Re: coyotes outside
« Reply #3 on: November 14, 2006, 12:29:16 PM »
I thought that Bill Austin from Rawlings Wyoming had the language broken down pretty good
When I purchased my first Howler calls from him in 1987.
The calls are made out of PVC & are much shorter than what you see today. His tape was excellent and I took 3yotes in the first seven trips with not near as many coyotes around back then.
Seems to me that Bill might have been a pioneer of the howler as I had a well kept secret for a few years before anything else hit the market.
Bill is gone now but I believe his calls & tapes are still sold at

Some of you might know more about the history of the howler and who developed it as well as breaking down the language.

Offline kyote

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Re: coyotes outside
« Reply #4 on: November 14, 2006, 03:18:30 PM »
Glanceblamm I have several of the howlers that are modern,maybe even some old ones.and tapes by maybe even austin.when I am in the shop working on my tools and reloading that is what I listen to .coyotes howling and barking.trying to understand what the person is telling me about the howls, barks what they mean.I practice in my truck alot while driving with the windows up.and I have had animals answer and come in.But truthfully I really do not know what I am doing with the  language of the coyote.but I can speak wood peckers,rabbits of all sorts fawns ect.and I know I have to sound like something in distress.can do..the coyote uderstands that.
but I need more schoolin with the barks and howls.they just sound so dang alike and its just that small differnce that I believe might make fight are flight with them.If I would have gotten hooked on calling a little further back in life.I bet I would comprehend those sounds today.
there Is a gent here that has taught most the big name folks  he is retired,I have gone with him several times.and learned alot, I hardly ever said a word while I was with him.he was a retired proffessor of wildlife bioalogy.and was sharing his knoledge with me.he could speak coyote very well.he all ready has partners that he has been going with for years.I was lucky to have gone with him.
my huntin rifle is safe from confiscation only while my battle rifle protects it.