I have been after a Ruger 4 5/8" Super Blackhawk in .45 Colt for quite a while, but could never find one for the right price. Well, I stopped by one of the local pawn shops today, and was talking with one of the owners. Him and I have gotten to be pretty good friends, and I was telling him to keep an eye out for any Ruger revolvers. He's had a New Model Blackhawk in .357 w/ 7.5" barrel for a couple months, and I have been musing over whether or not to buy it. I told him I would really like to pick up one with a short barrel, so he walked over to his safe.
He pulled out a short barrel Ruger, and I could tell it was a large bore. It turned out to be a .45 Colt Blackhawk manufactured in 1974, and was in good condition. I wasn't lucky enough for it to be a flat top or 3-screw, but at least it doesn't have the WARNING" on the barrel and I can carry 6 rounds. $255 later, and the Ruger was mine. Now, all it needs is a little loving care and a detail strip to clean her up, and she will be ready to shoot!
And to think, I almost didn't stop by! I'll probably go back later in the week to pick up the .357, as he made me a pretty good deal on it as well.