A few years ago I was in a Staples Store and as I looked in the Software dept. I noticed they had a 2-disc gardening program on sale. One disc was a gardening encyclopedia and the other one is a Ortho Home Gardeners Problem Solver for Pest's and Diseases. The name of the software is "Land Designer's Garden Encyclopedia", produced by Sierra.
Since then I have seen what looks like good gardening programs from Better Homes and Gardens,
www.bhg.com , but I haven't seen them lately. BHG has a website that has many different catagories for in and around the house. I just checked the "Gardening" pages, and it looks like it could be some help.
I am positive that BHG still produces Gardening Programs, but at this time of year I wouldn't know where to find them. If you find one somewhere, I hear it is one of the best. Ortho probably puts out some programs also. Alot of free information is available on the bhg website.