We shot 2 deer this year-my dad, 50yd shot, thru 1 lung and top of heart-ran about 50 yds-dead all the way. My shot at a doe, both lungs at 30yds, she ran 25 or so yds-dead all the way. Huge blood trails with each, although not really needed.
That being said, I agree a double lung shot kills "instantly" and to me, a 20-50 yard "run" is dead right there. I've found that even if I take out both shoulders or the far shoulder in a classic quartering away shot, the deer still "skids" ahead alittle bit. Unless I've hit the spine, I can only remember one deer way back that fell over right at the shot like you see in the videos.
It's funny, I was thinking about this very thing while on stand this weekend. I chalked up those video shots to high powered rifles on small, "Texas-size" deer, not the deer up here in Wisconsin.
If the desire is to kill the deer right there so it won't run into a restricted area or an area you can't hunt, I understand, but would recommend moving the stand "in" further and not ever
relying on a drop in it's tracks kill
Proper shot placement, once learned and practiced, will carry over to any game species and any weapon used