That's a good point LEO. I suppose I could easily settle for the old .270 and have a great round. But, I just can't get myself excited about it. I guess in a new action, for me anyway, it would work. I already have a .30-06 and that can do everything a .270 can for the most part. Although, it is in a Remington 7400 autoloader and I can't seem to get that to shoot under 3" with factory ammo. So, in a sense, a bolt .270 would be completely different.
Same holds true for the .308. I have a 7mm-08 in a Browning BLR. But, everyone needs a .308 bolt gun, right? I also have a .243 in a single shot. So, I have the caliber spectrum covered for deer hunting. I guess I shouldn't worry about getting too similar a round. A bolt action would make it much different.
Then again, I've been wanting to get into reloading for rifle rounds. Then it might make sense for me to get a bolt in 7mm-08 or a .30-06. That way I am not just loading for 1 rifle.
All these decisions!!!