I think you may have misunderstood where I am coming from. I think we need to "Walk softly and carry a big stick." We need to get out of the Mideast, but not cower in a corner. The aggressor makes the rules in war, and they are the aggressor. Dialog does not work because the decision makers and the leaders are not always one in the same. We, as a country, have to make the cost so heinous that they, as individuals, are not willing to risk our wrath. We can't plead with them as a people, because they have no cohesive leadership to appeal to. Many if not most of the "terrorists" are not sponsored by any type of government, or even an existing terrorist organization. They are trained and encouraged by family, friends, and clergy. Therefore, we must deal with family, friends, and clergy. If Hassan knows he, his house, and neighborhood may be destroyed with out question, warning, or mercy, he may talk his brother, Azzim, out of strapping up and blowing up Victory Baptist Church instead of encouraging him to become a martyr. Same with the clerics. If they knew we would destroy the mosque who bread the murder, then soaked the ground with pig blood, they may not be quite so accommodating to budding terrorists. After all, I've yet to hear about one of the preachers blowing himself up, he usually talks some mixed up teenager into the act. Lets bring it home to them.