Author Topic: TC Pro Hunter 460???  (Read 646 times)

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TC Pro Hunter 460???
« on: November 26, 2006, 04:37:03 PM »
A friend just got a new TC PH 460 and he has a question about what scope, red dot and rings to use that will actually hold on this gun. His first new $160 Tasco Red dot (forget which model) lasted only four shells before exploding. Replaced it with a new Burris w/three Warn tacticle rings and still no luck holding things still for more than a few shots even with things epoxy'd together. The gun holds a "tight" 18" group @25 yards from a bench. He was hoping to set the gun up for a 100-150 yard gun. Been through 2-3 red dots and a few scopes and still no luck as something has got to be moving. What are your set ups for this gun in 460 for say out to 150yrds. Loads? Scopes? Rings? thanks!

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Re: TC Pro Hunter 460???
« Reply #1 on: November 26, 2006, 05:23:25 PM »
I am using a Ultra-dot on one of my 460 Mags and a Bushnell 2X6X32 scope on another 460 Mag.  I don't have a problem with scope moving. When I had my T/C Encore 460 Mag barrel I was using a Bushnell 2X6X32 scope on it. In my opinion a scope is the best way to get the full potential of the 460 Mag. Now if you don't plan to do any real long range shooting with the 460 barrel, get an Ultra-dot Match-dot red-dot sight. I have had one on a 500 Mag for some time now and with over 2000 rounds, I have not had the red-dot move in the rings. I use Warne rings. As far as my loads, I use Hodgdon's load data for the 240, 260 and 300 gr. bullets.
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