I need to stay off of these boards! I was getting ready to buy a BLR in 7-08 when I stumbled across the post regards Grice's special run of Remington pump guns in 7-08! The BLR uses a 20 inch barrel and weights 6.5 pounds, with a 13 3/4 inch LOP, 7/8 inch Drop at Comb, and 15/16's Drop at heel. The pump looks like it is 42 1/2 inches long with a 22 inch barrel, 7.5 pounds, 14 inch LOP, drop at comb 1 3/16th, and DAH of 2.25. The intended use is a "fast" 15-100 yard whitetail deer that I can put low power scope on it. I define fast as being able to move the barrel of the gun in a tree stand without hitting something, poking it thru a bunch of branches next to the stand without having to become a contortionist but having the gun be barrel heavy enough for a stable shot. I have two bolt actions with 24 inch barrels in 30 cal but they are cumbersome in some places! As well I like the idea of a "faster" second shot but this is does not appeal to me as much as a more agile yet accurate deer rifle. I guess I could accomplish the same thing with a 20" bolt gun but a slightly faster second shot could become handy for the intended use here which will include deer in thickets and hogs on the ground. My question is for off hand (not benchrest type) shooting would the BLR be the poor choice do to its shorter barrel and lighter weight? Secondly do the Remington special run guns have the J lock thing? I was also looking real hard at the new 750 but still have my money in my pocket and am hunting with my bolt guns....