My old runnin' partner got 40 rounds when he traded into a mk10 '06 and we shot off the bench first he shot a bunch of surplus machinegun ammo he also got with gun,,the 174 gr.load,,so by the time he got to the accelerators he was pretty punchy,,,and he was trying to shoot for group!!he did no better than3 or 4'' and was pissed off that didn't bug hole,,,,,,,,,I says Mike,,they are only spose to shoot as the gun shoots regular ammo,,,,AND NOT MACHINEGUN AMMO!!!,,,,,,,after a while we went back to the bench and he was still bitchin' and I had to remind him we just got the gun this morning,,,we dont even know if it will shoot good at all.He went to his levergun and I took up the '06,, fired some WW 165'sPP's,,1-3/4" from a still warm and very dirty bore,,,10 min. latter I fired 5 accel.'s,,,1-1/2",,,,just what the Reminton copy said.