Author Topic: Times have changed........  (Read 3103 times)

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Offline rockbilly

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Times have changed........
« on: November 27, 2006, 10:23:36 AM »
Scary, but how true.  Time have truly changed.

Scenario: Jack pulls into school parking lot with rifle in gun rack.

1946 --- Vice Principal comes over, takes a look at Jack's rifle, goes
to his car and gets his to show Jack.

2006 --- School goes into lockdown, FBI called, Jack hauled off to jail
and never sees his truck or gun again. Counselors called in for
traumatized students and teachers.


Scenario: Johnny and Mark get into a fist fight after school.

1946 -- Crowd gathers. Mark wins. Johnny and Mark shake hands and end
up best friends. Nobody goes to jail, nobody arrested, nobody expelled.

2006 -- Police called, SWAT team arrives, arrests Johnny and Mark.
Charge them with assault, both expelled even though Johnny started it.


Scenario: Jeffrey won't be still in class, disrupts other students.

1946 -- Jeffrey sent to office and given a good paddling by Principal.
Sits still in class.

2006 -- Jeffrey given huge doses of Ritalin. Becomes a zombie. School
gets extra money from state because Jeffrey has a disability.


Scenario: Billy breaks a window in his father's car and his Dad gives
him a whipping.

1946-- Billy is more careful next time, grows up normal, goes to
college, and becomes a successful businessman.

2006 -- Billy's Dad is arrested for child abuse. Billy removed to foster
care and joins a gang. Billy's sister is told by state psychologist that
she remembers being abused herself and their Dad goes to prison. Billy's
mom has affair with psychologist.


Scenario: Mark gets a headache and takes some headache medicine to

1946 -- Mark shares headache medicine with Principal out on the smoking

2006 -- Police called, Mark expelled from school for drug violations.
Car searched for drugs and weapons.


Scenario: Mary turns up pregnant.

1946 -- 5 High School Boys leave town. Mary does her senior year at a
special school for expectant mothers.

2006 -- Middle School Counselor calls Planned Parenthood, who notifies
the ACLU. Mary is driven to the next state over and gets an abortion
without her parent's consent or knowledge. Mary given condoms and told
to be more careful next time.


Scenario: Pedro fails high school English.

1946 -- Pedro goes to summer school, passes English, goes to college.

2006 -- Pedro's cause is taken up by state democratic party. Newspaper
articles appear nationally explaining that teaching English as a
requirement for graduation is racist. ACLU files class action lawsuit
against state school system and Pedro's English teacher. English banned
from core curriculum. Pedro given diploma anyway but ends up mowing
lawns for a living because he can't speak English.


Scenario: Johnny takes apart leftover firecrackers from the 4th of
July, puts them in a model airplane paint bottle, blows up a red ant

1946 -- Ants die.

2006 -- Homeland Security, FBI called. Johnny charged with domestic
terrorism, FBI investigates parents, siblings removed from home,
computers confiscated, Johnny's Dad goes on a terror watch list and is
never allowed to fly again.


Scenario: Johnny falls while running during recess and scrapes his
He is found crying by his teacher, Mary. Mary hugs him to comfort him.

1946 -- In a short time Johnny feels better and goes on playing.

2006 -- Mary is accused of being a sexual predator and loses her job.
She faces 3 years in State Prison.*

Online ironglow

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Re: Times have changed........
« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2006, 12:58:45 PM »
   Oh Boy hit it right on the head..
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline jh45gun

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Re: Times have changed........
« Reply #2 on: November 27, 2006, 04:57:42 PM »
We can thank the liberals for that!  >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(
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Offline fe352v8

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Re: Times have changed........
« Reply #3 on: November 28, 2006, 01:58:19 AM »
Must be a liberal’s fault; because?

Conservatives do not vote in school board elections?
Conservatives lack the education to be teachers?
Conservatives lack the ability to be school psychologists or doctors?
Conservative educators lack the skills to be school administrators?
Conservative and their children do not have premarital and/or teenage sex?
Conservatives lack the ability to become lawyers and judges?
Conservatives in legislature were against, Dept of Homeland Security, the TSA, and the patriot act?

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Offline powderman

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Re: Times have changed........
« Reply #4 on: November 28, 2006, 03:38:34 AM »
I graduated HS in Ill in 1966. Our senior year for world history class we were studying WW11. We were asked to bring in souvenirs from that era. We took military rifles, including ammo, knives, bayonets, swords, brass knuckles, helmets, even medals and campaign ribbons. WE took all this stuff on the buses. We never thought about killing anybody. Nobody got shot, cut, or stabbed. We had these things there for a whole week.
Todays kids have grown up with violence all around them, By the time they are just pre teen or early teen they have seen hundreds of murders and seen adultery comitted hundreds of times thanks to TV and movies, and video games,  all for entertainment of course.  The so called music brags about killing cops, doing drugs, other violence, and illicit sex with the hos of the world. They have been desensitized to death, violence, and immorality. Instead of shame, young folks today proudly display pics in the newspaper of their babies, parents Joe Smith and his shackup Mary Jones. Yep, things have changed. I posted this last night, never made it, here goes nuttin. POWDERMAN.  :( :( :( :( :( :(
Mr. Charles Glenn “Charlie” Nelson, age 73, of Payneville, KY passed away Thursday, October 14, 2021 at his residence. RIP Charlie, we'll will all miss you. GB

Only half the people leave an abortion clinic alive.
What part of ILLEGAL is so hard to understand???
I learned everything about islam I need to know on 9-11-01.

Offline jh45gun

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Re: Times have changed........
« Reply #5 on: November 28, 2006, 06:23:55 AM »
Must be a liberal’s fault; because?

Conservatives do not vote in school board elections?
Conservatives lack the education to be teachers?
Conservatives lack the ability to be school psychologists or doctors?
Conservative educators lack the skills to be school administrators?
Conservative and their children do not have premarital and/or teenage sex?
Conservatives lack the ability to become lawyers and judges?
Conservatives in legislature were against, Dept of Homeland Security, the TSA, and the patriot act?

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I see nothing has changed you just do not get it. must be a liberal thing! One of the reasons I do not hang out here that much and use the other boards instead.
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Offline Heavy C

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Re: Times have changed........
« Reply #6 on: November 28, 2006, 07:12:59 AM »
So true Rockbilly.  I feel bad for our kids.

Offline fe352v8

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Re: Times have changed........
« Reply #7 on: November 28, 2006, 07:54:20 AM »

Yeah I do get, I think the observations were funny and sadly true.

Your causal analysis seemed baseless and unfounded so I merely asked for clarification.  Sorry you feel uncomfortable when someone disagrees with you.

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Offline Questor

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Re: Times have changed........
« Reply #8 on: November 28, 2006, 07:58:50 AM »
To the earlier analysis about conservatives, I'll add my own item:

Conservatives understand time and money and rationally respond by not becoming teachers who work long hours for low pay. 

I say that because I have yet to meet a school teacher who understood the concepts of time and money, with the exception of the ex-teachers who wised up and got better paying jobs.
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Offline jh45gun

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Re: Times have changed........
« Reply #9 on: November 28, 2006, 11:09:56 AM »
Jon there is not a conservative out there that does not blame the liberal school systems and liberal parents a product of those school systems  for the decline of family values and education. I call them as I see them. There is no doubt that things have changed. There also is no doubt the reasons why. The sad part is a lot of parents send their kids to school not knowing or caring what BS the teachers are spreading. As long as little susie or johnny come home with good grades they think all is well. Mlake no mistake about it wether you agree with me or not liberals have poisoned our education system and it shows. From the hippies of the 60's to the liberal fools today they only have had 40 plus years to screw things up which they have done. WI leads the pack with a extremely liberal anti gun  Gov who's wife is a teacher and who's teachers union had enough power to get him elected twice. Our Gov ignores what the people want and instead pampers the school system to keep his wife and her friends happy  >:(
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Offline fe352v8

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Re: Times have changed........
« Reply #10 on: November 28, 2006, 12:58:52 PM »

The unfortunate fact is that regardless of whom anyone wants to blame, in a democratic society, the blame ultimately lies with the electorate of the society as a whole, not any single faction.

You cite the Hippies of the sixties, who were their teachers?  They were the children of the depression, members of Americas Greatest Generation, the ones that won the war, and the folks that were in school in 1946.  The parents of those little Susies and Johnnys, are not all liberal loonies.  Based on recent elections it would seem the liberal conservative split is almost even.

It is not just liberals that vote, and make decisions.  I am, without doubt, left of center, I am fairly sure that most voters are somewhat to the right of me.  I have a special needs child that is intellectually challenged. In 1946 we would have said he is mentally retarded.  My school district would rather not see me, I advocate for my child’s legal rights, I go to school board meetings, I serve on the school’s on site leadership committee, and special education advisory council, in short I am a pain in the, pick a body part, and insist that my child receive the best appropriate, for his abilities, education available.  When I have an issue I confront teachers and administrators and continue until it is resolved 

You want change, we live in a democratic republic; do something about it instead of blaming everyone else, ask your self; “what have I done to change things?”  If the answer is “I blame somebody else for everything that I do not like”, then you are as much or more of the problem than those you would blame.  Change requires action, and children require more than unsupported ideological venting.

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Offline jh45gun

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Re: Times have changed........
« Reply #11 on: November 28, 2006, 08:51:55 PM »
I vote for change which is what most of us do. Unfortunately WI is too damn liberal for its own good. Expecially now with the Gov we have. It does not take a blind man to see what liberals have done to our education and our social values. First thing that happend to education is when they took punishment out of the teachers and parents hands do to the communist social workers who said you cannot punish a kid. GO ahead and argue that fact. We never had school shootings when I was a kid and if you screwed up at school you got punished there and when you got home. There is one hell of a difference between just punishment and child abuse. Say what you want liberals have ruined the system.
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Offline fe352v8

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Re: Times have changed........
« Reply #12 on: November 29, 2006, 03:18:26 AM »

“It does not take a blind man to see what liberals have done to our education and our social values.”

Perhaps it takes one to follow your logic, then?

In looking at Wisconsin’ State Senate, there are 18 democrats and 15 republicans, in the State Assembly there are 52 republicans and 47 democrats.  Wisconsin’s Congressional delegation consists of 5 democrats and 3 republicans both US Senators are democrats. Of your six State Officers, 4 are democrats, 1 the AG is republican, and 1 the Superintendent of Public Instruction is nonpartisan. (

In the 2004 election CNN’s exit poll; 35% of the voters said they were democrats, 38% republican, and 27% independents.  20% these same Wisconsin voters went on to describe themselves as liberal, 49% moderate, and 32% conservative.  Of these same voters 9% claimed church attendance of more than once a week, 27% went once a week, 15% went monthly, 31% claimed they went a few times a year, and15% claimed they never attended church. (

In the 2006 election CNN’s exit poll; 38% of the voters said they were democrats, 35% republican, and 28% independents.  24% these same Wisconsin voters went on to describe themselves as liberal, 49% moderate, and 27% conservative.  Of these same voters 10% claimed church attendance of more than once a week, 29% went once a week, 14% went monthly, 30% claimed they went a few times a year, and15% claimed they never attended church. (

“First thing that happend to education is when they took punishment out of the teachers and parents hands do to the communist social workers who said you cannot punish a kid. GO ahead and argue that fact.”

Who is they?
Communists; from the state that gave us Senator Joe “Tail Gunner” McCarthy, you remember the committee on un American activities?
Who said you can’t discipline you children?  I discipline mine, and have used a smack, with my hand, on their rears a few times, but find non-corporal punishment much more effective.

Seems like Wisconsin reflects much of America, almost an even split between democrats, republicans, conservatives and liberals.  The “they”, is you, it is me, it is all of us, not some faceless entity.  Casting a vote is only doing the minimum, and sadly the percentage of those eligible to vote actually vote, is far less than it should be.

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Offline powderman

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Re: Times have changed........
« Reply #13 on: November 29, 2006, 03:52:36 AM »
I vote for change which is what most of us do. Unfortunately WI is too damn liberal for its own good. Expecially now with the Gov we have. It does not take a blind man to see what liberals have done to our education and our social values. First thing that happend to education is when they took punishment out of the teachers and parents hands do to the communist social workers who said you cannot punish a kid. GO ahead and argue that fact. We never had school shootings when I was a kid and if you screwed up at school you got punished there and when you got home. There is one hell of a difference between just punishment and child abuse. Say what you want liberals have ruined the system.

Agreed Sir. The libs are ruining America, and the world, and will be our downfall. POWDERMAN.  >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(
Mr. Charles Glenn “Charlie” Nelson, age 73, of Payneville, KY passed away Thursday, October 14, 2021 at his residence. RIP Charlie, we'll will all miss you. GB

Only half the people leave an abortion clinic alive.
What part of ILLEGAL is so hard to understand???
I learned everything about islam I need to know on 9-11-01.

Offline rockbilly

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Re: Times have changed........
« Reply #14 on: November 29, 2006, 05:06:43 AM »
I think we can attribute the problems in America to many things.  The liberal teachings of Dr Spock in the 50-60s had a major impact on child rising, and in my opinion contributed largely too many of today’s problems.  This, coupled with additional social and economical problems resulting from an increased use of drugs and alcohol has breed a society that is more tolerant, more liberal, and less likely to become involved in politics.

As for the number (or percentage) of people who vote today, this may be a blessing in disguise.  Most of the younger folks have no idea of whom, or what they are voting for.  I have found that a very large percentage of the younger voters do so based on the recommendations of someone else, they do not make themselves aware of issues, and vote according to their findings, but vote blindly based on what Joe said his father’s uncle said the local druggist told him. 

Bottom-line, we are a society of, “it is not my responsibility,” “you owe me, because I deserve it,” or “don’t worry someone else will do it,” citizens.  Getting back to the basics and following some age old rules that this country was established on couldn’t hurt.  I do not advocate child abuse, but I think children need to be disciplined “on the spot,” and not by a threat of taking their “Twinkies” away.  In my opinion, threats, and no action has contributed to the situation, because kids grow up knowing they will not be held responsible for their actions.  As I said back to the basics, let's quit breeding those that think the world owes them a living, let's make them stand up and face the facts, living by a higher law.

"I wish that all fathers of households stand forth and practice their role. They will use the rod and not permit their children to go astray. Firmness is needed in your world that is filled with laxity, permissiveness, and degradation.
     "Your children have been misled by many who shall answer to the Father. As teachers they have failed in their role. Therefore, as parents you must succeed in yours." - St. Joseph, March 18, 1973
As the Bible tells us: "He who spareth the rod hateth his son: but he that loveth him correcteth him betimes" (Proverbs 13:24) and "Withhold not correction from a child: for if thou strike him with the rod, he shall not die. Thou shalt beat him with the rod, and deliver his soul from hell." (Proverbs 23:13-14)

Offline jh45gun

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Re: Times have changed........
« Reply #15 on: November 29, 2006, 06:35:17 AM »
Good Post Rockabilly and Powderman!  Yea Spock was a liberal kook!  >:(   Jon even when we had a majority in the House and Senate Gov Doyle Vetoed any thing of value and pressured the dims to keep such a veto. Now that the dims have won big in WI it will get worse instead of better and that probably will  mirror the rest of the nation.
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Offline williamlayton

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Re: Times have changed........
« Reply #16 on: November 30, 2006, 01:07:04 AM »
Most are more liberal than their parents--all the way back down the line.
Liberals---the liberal in all of us---are not the answer or the problem.
The problems stem from lack of moral and ethics.
Who is responsible for this failing?
We all are because we are all less ethical and moral than our parents---all the way back down the line.

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Re: Times have changed........
« Reply #17 on: November 30, 2006, 08:40:24 AM »
Most are more liberal than their parents--all the way back down the line.
Liberals---the liberal in all of us---are not the answer or the problem.
The problems stem from lack of moral and ethics.
Who is responsible for this failing?
We all are because we are all less ethical and moral than our parents---all the way back down the line.

Please do not try to paint us all as being remotely liberal! My Brother and I are conservative even though our mother was some what liberal as she always voted for the dims. I am sure we are not alone so that shoots your theory up in smoke. There are enough intelligent folks in this country that become conservative for many reasons one seeing how the dims screw up the country.
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Offline fe352v8

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Re: Times have changed........
« Reply #18 on: November 30, 2006, 12:17:00 PM »
A real panacea, we have: a balanced budget, a positive trade surplus, we are not involved in nation building, excellent medical care for all, stable pensions, medi-care is stable, social security is funded, the best educational system in the world, secure borders, a fair simplified tax system, and equal opportunity for all.

That was what we were supposed to get.

What you settled for: is no federal funding of abortion, the expiration of the assault weapons ban and an average annual tax savings per family of less than $80.00 per month

Barnum was right and Rove was his best student.

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Offline jh45gun

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Re: Times have changed........
« Reply #19 on: November 30, 2006, 03:11:01 PM »
Last I looked I was still getting a SS check and Medicare now lets me pay pennies on the dollar for my perscriptions. The Economy has been good and I have not heard of any trade problems to speak of we seem to get all the goods we need. You cannot fix over night what the dims have screwed up for years which includes the education system. There are some nations that put our students to shame when it comes to education and learning and some of them a hell of a lot more backward than we are with less to work with. I do not agree with Bush's border plan but then I suppose he is caught between a rock and a hard place on that issue considering is sister in law. The fact is the dims can only attack Bush on the War and the Border as every thing else has been running just fine.
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Offline fe352v8

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Re: Times have changed........
« Reply #20 on: November 30, 2006, 10:31:08 PM »
A trade deficit is when a country imports more than it exports.  It has nothing to do with availability.

I’m glad Social Security is there for you.  Make sure to remember and thank that greatest of conservatives, FDR, and enjoy those savings on your prescriptions; your children’s children’s children will be paying for them.

But hey why worry when the bill comes due we’ll be dead.

No RIP (rest in peace) on our tombstones, just a big IOU instead. (probably in a foreign language as over 40% of tombstones are now imported)

Oh and kids, sorry about your education, and your job being out sourced too.

With some more leadership like this, pretty soon it will be like the good old days, we will begin to look a lot like Europe, and some guy from China or some guy from India, will be talking about the old America just like Georgie, Dick, and and Rummsy talked about the old Europe.  Yep everything’s running just fine

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Offline williamlayton

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Re: Times have changed........
« Reply #21 on: December 01, 2006, 12:22:01 AM »
I paid for others SS and was pleased to do so.
I now collect SS--it was the contract I made at the time I began in the workforce--the way it was done--a little late to be changing the contract on me, is it not?
Looks like they will though.

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Re: Times have changed........
« Reply #22 on: December 01, 2006, 03:36:21 AM »
I remember watching an interview with Annette Funechello,(didn't spell that right, but you know who I mean) years ago. She refused to do any of the beach movies in a bikini, because Mr. Disney wouldn't think it was right. I wonder what old Walt would think of one of his Mouskeeters now,(Britney Spears) running around with no panties on, flashing the photographers.
As one of the radio talk show hosts says, we are on a slippery slope down hill, and I don't see it getting any better. I guess I'm a doomsdayer type of person. I like to call myself a realist, but when I analyze the world situations, things just don't look that rosey. Hope I'm wrong, pray for the best. gypsyman
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Offline jh45gun

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Re: Times have changed........
« Reply #23 on: December 01, 2006, 09:37:19 AM »
A trade deficit is when a country imports more than it exports.  It has nothing to do with availability.

I’m glad Social Security is there for you.  Make sure to remember and thank that greatest of conservatives, FDR, and enjoy those savings on your prescriptions; your children’s children’s children will be paying for them.

But hey why worry when the bill comes due we’ll be dead.

No RIP (rest in peace) on our tombstones, just a big IOU instead. (probably in a foreign language as over 40% of tombstones are now imported)

Oh and kids, sorry about your education, and your job being out sourced too.

With some more leadership like this, pretty soon it will be like the good old days, we will begin to look a lot like Europe, and some guy from China or some guy from India, will be talking about the old America just like Georgie, Dick, and and Rummsy talked about the old Europe.  Yep everything’s running just fine

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Bullcrap! Where do you get this Bill BS since folks either have to pay into a insurance co that works with Medicare or if on low income they just cover it and you still have to make a co pay which by the way Walmart now in some states has a 4 dollar perscription plan so if they can afford to do it with the drug companies the medicare plan can. Typical liberal bullcrap putting a spin on every thing. Instead of listening to your UNION or what ever other commie group you get your info from you better investigate first instead of making wild claims.
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Re: Times have changed........
« Reply #24 on: December 01, 2006, 10:35:56 AM »
The Congressional Budget Office (Now that’s an oxymoron)

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Offline nabob

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Re: Times have changed........
« Reply #25 on: December 01, 2006, 10:43:41 AM »
Better do some research before you spout off, friend.

The government subsidizes the cost of the prescription drug plans. Total cost to the government over the next 10 years is estimated to be about 1.2 trillion dollars. That's an estimate from Mark McClellan, the guy who runs the program, as reported in the Washington Post Feb 9, 2005.

The copays are no where near what the actual program costs are. The government covers the rest. BTW, the government is prohibited by law from negotiating the best price for coverage with the drug companies. Walmart is under no such legislative prohibition.

Online ironglow

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Re: Times have changed........
« Reply #26 on: December 01, 2006, 12:20:46 PM »
   Well, if it's true that there is no longer any federal funding for abortion..that money can be applied to prescriptions that folks need for their health problems that were NOT a result of being irresponsible and/or careless.
  An added bonus would obviously be the possible interruption of malthusian designs to liquidate a few hundred thousand little boys and girls..
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Re: Times have changed........
« Reply #27 on: December 01, 2006, 01:10:33 PM »
A consummation devoutly to be wished.

Offline jh45gun

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Re: Times have changed........
« Reply #28 on: December 01, 2006, 02:40:49 PM »
Doubt like hell I would be your friend we do not think anywhere alike. Two I doubt Walmart is having 4 dollar perscriptions out of the kindness of their heart  like any business buying in bulk saves you money and drug companies give away drugs to the poor or at a really reduced rate or copay so if they all can do that the drugs are not costing as much as they thought it would you quote 2005 when the program first got started lots have changed since then including what I pay it is about half since I started and that is just my copay. Wait until you get recent figures and not out dated guesses. As far as SS goes the Dims have borrowed a lot of money out of the SS funds which would make it less stable and when the Republicans come up with a plan to help it the dims do not support it. If SS goes south the dims will have more to do with it than any conservative. 
Said I never had much use for one, never said I didn't know how to use it.

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Re: Times have changed........
« Reply #29 on: December 01, 2006, 04:46:39 PM »
This new enough, it is from August 2006

Here is another great site by the House Budget Committee

“Dims” have not been a majority in either houses of congress since 1994.  The last balanced federal budget submitted by a president was from a “Dim”.

The special interests that feed at the trough of public spending, count on people to be swayed and distracted by the empty ideology of the major parties.  It is apparent they will not be soon disappointed.

Social Security and Medicare are income transfer schemes, there is no actual physical trust fund “lock box”, the revenues are dumped in with all the other tax revenue, and then the special interest hogs are sloped.  When your old enough they give you a few kernels and tell you it is the money you paid in.  The money you paid in went to someone else long ago.

The assets of the Medicare and Social Security “lock box” consist of government IOUs from the general fund, as the population ages these IOUs will grow larger.  As both are entitlement programs, and are not part of the discretionary budget process, the only way to address the funding shortfall is to cut spending in other areas, increase the population of contributors, raise taxes, or cut benefits.

Cut spending in other areas?  Pork barrel spending is unbound by party affiliation, look at how some of the homeland defense money was spent, or things like bridges to nowhere.

To increase the population of contributors would require a major increase in birth rate or a far looser immigration policy.  Can you say guest worker- - - path to citizenship- - - amnesty?

Raise taxes?  Don’t tax you, don’t tax me, tax the guy behind the tree.  Trouble is we cut down the trees for paper to print money on.

Cut benefits?  Would you like to go first?  On average, 80% of all lifetime health costs are incurred during the last 6 months of a person’s life.

So what do you want to do?:

Cut spending for education, the military, highways, farms, what? (you’ll need to find about 3.5 trillion plus another 7% more each year) (the legislator goes oink oink)

Make all illegal aliens welcome so we can tax them? (sounds like a “Dim”)

Pay more taxes? (sounds like a “Dim” again)

Die sooner so we can save some money? (conservative but not too compassionate)

Pretend that everything’s working just fine, because we’ll be dead and it won’t be our problem?

Life is no joke but funny things happen


life is no joke but funny things happen
